Best Son-in-law

Chapter 849 Arrogance

"I know, thank you, Yuqing, and thank you, Jiasong, I appreciate your kindness. It's just that you can't force feelings, and I don't want to force it." Ding Yanan deliberately said a more tactful word , just want to shirk one or two things.

Who knew that these two people were still unwilling to let go at this time.

They were very sincere to Ding Yanan.

"Yanan, we have really spoken sincerely. You know what the situation is now. If you make Mr. Liang unhappy again, there will be nothing. If you don't share Uncle Ding's worries, don't cause trouble." Liu Yuqing said.

"That's right, Uncle Ding is in such a difficult situation now. Ya Nan, you really can't do it just for yourself. We all advise you with good intentions and hope that you can have a good ending. You have to know that sometimes, some The choice is not ours to decide, do you understand what we mean?" Wang Jiasong also advised him.

These two were indeed Ding Yanan's best friends in her childhood. Because they grew up together, their three families had extremely close contacts. Originally, the relationship between the three of them was very close, but as time went by, the three of them... The relationship has become increasingly distant.

I don’t know what caused it. There are always reasons. Originally, the three of them said that they would stay together and be sisters forever. Although their relationship is still as good now, they all know that they will never go back to the past. , I can never return to the simplicity and clarity of the past.

This is the great change that time has brought to these three people.

Therefore, when Ding Yanan heard what these two people said, she immediately felt a sense of unfamiliarity, because they never understood what they were thinking, and would only impose things they thought were good on themselves, which was why Ding Yanan was very Disgusting.

But others liked to do this, and there was nothing she could do about it.

She couldn't fall out with these people directly, so she could only deal with them on the surface.

"I understand, I know you all have good intentions, and I also know that you are all doing it for my own good. I understand it, I really understand it, and I am very grateful to you. I am really grateful to you, but some things are not imaginary. It's such a simple thing, especially emotional matters, so you two give me some time, I will definitely be able to handle it, believe me." Ding Yanan relaxed her tone, even if she didn't like it in her heart, she was not in a good mood at this time What to say.

Just like that, Ding Yanan blinked her big eyes and begged the two people for peace. At this time, the two of them could not say anything more.

"Yanan, you know we don't want to force you to do anything, but sometimes you have to be sensible. I won't force you to have feelings. Even you can't do some taboos. This man must have dignity. How could Mr. Liang not want dignity? If he is unhappy, we will not have anything good to eat by then." Liu Yuqing said dissatisfied.

"I see, Yuqing, you haven't introduced me to this handsome guy yet. Look, you like to hide all the good things, don't you? You also hide all the good things from us sisters, what do you think? Is this okay?" Ding Yanan said deliberately, she also wanted to change the topic.

"Forget it, Jiasong, don't be angry. We are all doing it for Ya Nan's good. We can only provide reference opinions on any choice. It cannot be a big decision. Everything still has to be decided by Ya Nan. Yes." Liu Yuqing said with some dissatisfaction.

In fact, in the final analysis, what Ding Yanan does has nothing to do with these people, but they don't want Ding Yanan to make some bad moves and cause losses to their own interests, so they all say such things.

"Okay, calm down, calm down, let me introduce you, who are these two people around you? Tell me, what happened to you when you didn't even tell me, do you still treat me as a sister?" Ding Yanan pretended to be dissatisfied and said, but in fact she was very dissatisfied with the two sisters.

"Forget it, let's talk about it. This is Mr. Yang, Yang Chong, from Huaisui. You should know his father, Yang Zi'ao, right? Have you heard of this name?" Liu Yuqing began to introduce herself. Male companion.

"Yang Zi'ao? Is he the super boss known as the Alligator?" Ding Yanan pretended to be surprised and quickly poked her sister with her elbow: "Okay, Mr. Yang has become your male partner. , you are very honorable."

"What? This is just Mr. Yang's flattery. I am not as charming as you. It's just that you don't know how to cherish your charm, and you don't know how to take advantage of you. I don't want to talk about you, and none of us want to Talk about you, but we don’t want to see you wasting your youth and ruining your good conditions. You said your conditions are not found in the circle. Some rich second generations have to wait. We are waiting in line for you to choose, do you know? But where are you? What have you done? You actually went to pursue a career like your father. We don’t want to stop you from pursuing a career, but you need to have a clearer mind. Women have Women’s advantages, men have men’s advantages, don’t get confused, women are the same as men, but different, do you understand?”

"Men must work hard and strive for their own careers, otherwise they will be looked down upon, but women don't have to do this. No matter what kind of woman, she has to rely on men, just like you now, you have to rely on Your father, you will have to rely on your husband from now on. How much youth do you think women have? Why don’t you take advantage of your youth to find a husband? You will do all kinds of things here. I think it’s all nonsense. , those who have no money and power, it is better that you see less of them from now on." Liu Yuqing began to teach Ding Yanan again. Ding Yanan was very annoyed after hearing these words, but there was no other way, so she had to listen. While listening, she had to agree that they were right and that she had to correct herself. Even if her attitude changed for the better, the two of them still had no intention of letting Ding Yanan go.

"Yanan, don't you understand? No matter how great your career is, what's the use? You can never reach the height of your father. You see, your father has so many difficulties now. If it were you, the difficulties wouldn't be the same. More? Do you still want to inherit the family's industry like a boy? Now you need to find a reliable support, which is more important than anything else. We are not alarmist, we are all for your own good. You must understand us." Liu Yuqing continued. .

Ding Yanan nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Now it is whatever these two people say.

"Mr. Yang is so awesome. I have always admired Mr. Yang, and my dad often mentioned Mr. Yang." Ding Yanan was really tired of being talked about, so she wanted to change the topic and lead some things to others. .

So Ding Yanan naturally brought the topic to her sister's partner.

"Miss Ding fell in love with someone by mistake. In fact, my father is not very powerful. He is just a false name in the world. We still have some things to trouble Mr. Ding in the future. After all, Mr. Ding is a figure at the level of Yannan's dean." This Yang Chonghe There is something different about the average rich second generation. He seems to be very low-key, just like his father.

Yang Zi'ao, known as the Alligator, is very powerful and belongs to the Huaisui region. Most people don't dare to offend Yang Zi'ao. Yang Zi'ao's status in the Huaisui region is equivalent to Ding Hongsheng's in Yannan. With such a high status, who would dare to provoke such a powerful person easily?

Liu Yuqing deliberately wanted to get close to Yang Chong only after seeing the power of the Yang family.

In such a circle, people are more powerful than imagined.

With more power, for example, Liu Yuqing only looked for Yang Chong, and would not look for anyone else. It was because Yang Chong's family was very powerful, and Yang Chong's father, Yang Zi'ao, was very powerful. If it weren't for Yang Zi'ao, For the sake of being powerful, it is impossible for Liu Yuqing to have any interaction with this Yang Chong.

This is Liu Yuqing's power, and the reason why Yang Chong and Liu Yuqing are so close is because Liu Yuqing's family can still provide Yang Chong with resources of this kind. Rather than saying that the two are dating, it is better to say that they are dating. Two people are using each other to satisfy each other's vanity, that's all.

"What are you saying? My father's situation in Yannan is now in danger. This is something everyone knows. There are too many enemies and there are not many ways to solve it. So Mr. Yang, please don't overdo it." At this time, Ding Yanan was also quite modest. , she didn't dare to accept the compliment from Yang Zi'ao just because she couldn't bear it.

"All crises will be solved, because Mr. Ding and my father are somewhat similar. Their generation has experienced various crises before growing up. In other words, Miss Ding doesn't mind if you say something unpleasant. I don't have it." Any other thoughts, this sentence is, if it weren't for these crises, Mr. Ding would not be strong, so why should Miss Ding be distressed? Don't you think this is asking for trouble?" Yang Chong smiled lightly, His smile gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

Ding Yanan naturally felt Yang Chong's kindness and nodded to him with a smile.

"Yanan, you are not interesting enough. If you want, you can go to Mr. Liang. Mr. Yang and I have not known each other for a long time, so you have to interfere. You are too disrespectful to your sisters." ?" Liu Yuqing pretended to be annoyed.

"What are you talking about? How could I take away your love? I'm just talking to Mr. Yang. Look at your little belly." Ding Yanan also deliberately buried her.

"I can't help it. I really can't calm down when I meet such a Young Master Yang. Hahaha, Yanan, are you envious of me?" Liu Yuqing winked at Ding Yanan and asked deliberately.

"Of course. Mr. Yang is so outstanding, you might as well leave it to me." Ding Yanan was also pretending. She actually didn't like Yang Chong because Yang Chong was a deep-minded person. He was too deep. It was definitely not something ordinary people could do. Understandably, Ding Yanan was under pressure from being with such a person who didn't know what her thoughts were. She didn't dare to express some of the things in her heart.

"Tch, how is it possible? If I look for you to find your Mr. Liang, don't try to take advantage of my Mr. Yang. This is my treasure. Stop thinking about it. You are just wishful thinking." Liu Yuqing said casually, Although she said these words on the surface, in fact her thoughts were not something Ding Yanan could understand.

In fact, sometimes, everyone understands the meaning of what you say, and you no longer have the same mood as before when you were an ignorant girl.

It was all a joke before, but this time it had an ulterior motive.

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