Best Son-in-law

Chapter 857 Climb high

After hearing this, Liang En was not angry, but just smiled: "Okay, since we have common interests or common enemies, and there are no conflicts of interest between us, there is nothing to say. Just wish us both a happy cooperation." Liang En reached out to Ding Yanan, but Ding Yanan did not extend her hand. She just glanced at Liang En helplessly.

"Well, it's a pleasure to work with you."

Liang En's hand was left hanging in the air for a long time, but Liang En was not angry. He just retracted his hand angrily, and said with a smile: "The goddess's hand is really not something I can touch casually."

"Don't think too much, it's actually nothing." Ding Yanan also hated Liang En very much, but she had to cooperate with Liang En.

Seeing Ding Yanan and Liang En talking so much, and seeing Li Fan being left hanging aside, Liu Yuqing and others looked at it with schadenfreude. They all felt that Li Fan had been punished as he should have been.

A poor boy from the countryside dares to look down on the security profession and wants to be superior to others. In the end, doesn't he end up with nothing?

So they all thought Li Fan was funny and sad.

It's just that they didn't sympathize with Li Fan, and there was no sympathy in their eyes when they looked at Li Fan. They just looked at Li Fan like a fool.

At this time, the auction at Taining Club, an antique treasure appraisal conference, finally started.

This auction can be considered a highly anticipated event.

First, a host presided over the show from the front. After some opening remarks, the lights flickered and some people began to dance on stage.

Naturally, there will be no shortage of applause from the audience. These are considered quality people, and they will give a certain amount of applause and encouragement no matter what.

The curtain opened, and the singing and dancing performances of some young women on the stage naturally attracted the attention of many people.

This song and dance performance is also quite solemn. Professional song and dance figures were invited specifically for the performance.

The auditorium is very large, divided into three floors. There are many people sitting on the lower floor, and there are also many people sitting on the second floor, and the same is true on the third floor. However, although there are many people sitting, the organizer still makes arrangements for it to be relatively free. Some places are given free space.

Of course, different people on the third floor also have different identities, but there is no obvious hierarchical division. At most, there are just some professional divisions.

People from some professions are assigned to the first floor, people from some professions are assigned to the second floor, and people from some professions are naturally assigned to the third floor.

This arrangement allows them to watch the auction very comfortably, because they can discuss cooperation and the auction at the same time.

In a corner of the viewing platform on the second floor, a middle-aged man with a beard, a suit, and a cane looked straight downstairs at the singing and dancing on the middle stage, and couldn't help but He was a little impatient. He was already very anxious, so naturally he was not in the mood to wait any longer.

Not only him, but a young man next to him was also waiting very anxiously.

"Why are the Chinese people so keen on singing and dancing? Don't they know when this happened? When they do something, don't they think about the consequences? I'm so angry, sir." The young man Said to the middle-aged man.

"Xiaojiaoji, you have this temper. Your temper will have a great impact on you and the empire. This is not what I want to say about you. It's your temper. If you don't correct it, if you are sent to Doing some tasks, you will definitely mess up. This is also a point I don’t want to see, so don’t say more. I think this song and dance is necessary. You see, with this song and dance, everyone’s mood Now that I can relax, I can also relax." The middle-aged man pretended to be relaxed and said to Kojima.

"Sir, I really think this is a waste of time. I have a strong sense of time and I can't tolerate wasting time. With this time, I would rather read more books in the study." Kojima said. .

"Xiaojiao Jun, I know you want to pursue progress and you want to rush to take over from me, but do you know that there is an old saying in China." The middle-aged man asked with a sinister smile.

"What old saying?" Kojima was a little confused.

"Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. This sentence is quite insightful. No matter how much you read, you still have to go for a walk. There is also a sentence that I also appreciate very much. What you read on paper will always be shallow. , I know that this matter must be practiced. What I have seen in books is really too little, and it cannot meet people's needs at all. In the end, some goals must be achieved through practice. Do you not only want to read books, but also know the events? Zhixing Unity is the kingly way." The middle-aged man continued to teach Xiaojiao.

"Sir, I understand." Kojima nodded suddenly to the middle-aged man. He even wanted to stand up, but was held down by the middle-aged man.

"Xiaodao Jun, what do you want to do?" The middle-aged man looked at Xiaodao Jun with some concern.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm used to it." Kojima apologized sheepishly.

"Forget it, Kojima, do you know what you lack most?" The middle-aged man also sighed helplessly.

He was satisfied with his student in other aspects, but there was one aspect that he couldn't accept.

"I don't know, sir, please enlighten me." Kojima was very respectful to the middle-aged man. His head was very low and he didn't dare to raise it easily.

"You are too upright and don't know how to adapt. You are like a sharp blade. In the hands of the empire, you can cut open the enemy's body. However, there is a saying that is too strong and easy to break. If a person is too strong, it will break easily. If you are upright, you will be easily broken, and you are like this now. Although I admire you very much, Kojima, I am also afraid that one day, you will break because of something, which is a loss to the empire." Middle-aged He said with lingering fear that he had a nightmare two days ago. This nightmare made him scared even thinking about it now, so he quickly vaccinated himself and his apprentice, just to avoid such a situation.

"I swear to the death to repay the filial piety to the empire!" Kojima said through gritted teeth.

"You don't need to swear to death. You have to live. You are useful to the empire if you live. If you die, all the empire will get is a corpse. And except for this corpse, the empire will get nothing. Have you ever thought about it? How much did it cost to train you? If you were too strong and broke yourself, it would have a great impact on the empire. You would be sorry for the empire if you died. Kojima, you are very good in other aspects. , I’m also very satisfied, but I really can’t accept these aspects.” The middle-aged man said to Kojima.

Kojima also nodded suddenly. He was not stupid, and he also knew that this was his teacher's care for him, so he lowered his head and said to his teacher: "Yes, thank you for your care, teacher. I will definitely remember the teacher's teachings." mind."

"So Xiaojima, you have to learn to relax. Only when you relax your muscles, and when you exert force, will your arms explode with amazing strength, and you will be able to grab something you should grab." The middle-aged man patted Kojima's shoulder and said.

"Yes, sir, but I really feel that relaxing is a great neglect of the empire's cause." Kojima said sincerely.

"No, Kojima, this is a misunderstanding, do you know? If you break it, it will be a great slight to the empire. Look at this song and dance, actually when you calm down, it looks like the Sakura Dance over there, Sakura During the festival, the beautiful girls and their dancing figures are our home, so nostalgic, Xiaodao Jun, haven’t you ever experienced homesickness?” the middle-aged man asked.

"Nostalgia? Sir, I don't know what nostalgia is. I'm too stupid." Kojima is very upright, and he always speaks very upright.

"It's just the longing for your hometown. You've been in China for so long. Don't you miss your hometown and your family?" the middle-aged man asked deliberately.

"When I wanted to be the father of the Empire, I had long put aside my hometown, the longing for my relatives, and the love between my children. When I set foot on this land, I had already given everything to the Empire, including My life." Kojima said to the middle-aged man sincerely.

"Xiaojiaoji, do you know? I have homesickness. I miss my hometown and my homeland. I want to go back, but the character of the empire has not been completed yet, so I can't go back." Facing this student of his, The middle-aged man also looked sincere.

"I understand your miss, and I will definitely complete the empire's mission as soon as possible and be able to send you back to my homeland." Kojima said solemnly to the middle-aged man.

"All my life, I hope that one day my ashes can be buried under the cherry blossoms. That is the place that belongs to me, that is my hometown." The middle-aged man felt very sad and sad.

"Sir, believe me, there will be a day." Kojima said.

"I also think there will be such a day. That day is coming soon." The middle-aged man expressed fervent hope.

There are always all kinds of people in this auditorium, whether they are domestic celebrities or some foreign celebrities.

In addition to Eastern ones, there are also Western ones.

The symphony and dance ended quickly, and then the host came on stage with a smile and began to introduce the guests, various sponsors, and organizers who participated this time, and then there was a lengthy conversation. After the conversation, everyone below Applause, this auction has just begun.

Soon, the receptionist pushed the trolley and brought the first collection.

The host smiled and presided over the auction from the front: "Dear guests and friends, now I would like to ask our reception lady to bring the first collection. This collection is..."

The host deliberately prolonged his voice, and then at the same time held the receptionist's hand to push the red cloth on the car, just as he was about to pull it out.

The host called out the name of the first treasure, but the next moment, a very shocking scene appeared.

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