Best Son-in-law

Chapter 868 Disgraceful

In the end, I lost my face.

And still completely lost.

At this time, although Liu Yuqing and others did not say anything, the contempt in their eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

They were just joking, wanting to see what choice Li Fan would make and what would happen next.

But as things progressed, Li Fan became afraid and wanted to apologize to Liang En. This was equivalent to singing a good show. They all moved the benches, got the melon seeds, and were ready to watch the show. , but then they said that this good show would no longer be performed. How could they not be disappointed? How could you not blame Li Fan?

The opera singer was afraid.

They suddenly felt very bored and uninteresting.

"It's boring, it's boring, oh, it's really boring. I originally said that something happened today and I could watch a good show here, but in the end there was no good show?" Yang Chong said boredly.

Although Liu Yuqing next to her didn't speak, her eyes looking at Li Fan showed endless provocation and contempt.

Just the look in her eyes made people very uncomfortable.

"Forget it, you are a shameless person, why are you talking so much? My mouth is dry and it's boring." Wang Jiasong suddenly didn't want to look at Li Fan anymore. She even felt that looking at Li Fan was dirtying her. eyes, so she didn't want to look at Li Fan anymore.

At this moment, Liang En suddenly spoke up. He looked at Wang Jiasong with a smile and said: "No, you are wrong. The apology I said is not the apology you said. I want this person to kneel down and kowtow to me in public to make amends." Give him three big gifts, and then say sorry. Otherwise, do you think this matter can be settled casually? Don't be kidding me. If I let him go so easily, where will I put my face in the future? It's my father's. Where do you put your face?"

Liang En narrowed his eyes and said. He also felt that Li Fan was afraid, so he was careful in his words and directly asked Li Fan to kneel down and kowtow to Liang En.

After listening to Liang En's words, Li Fan also narrowed his eyes, but at this time, Li Fan's expression was completely unclear.

Ding Yanan was standing next to her. She felt like an outsider. She couldn't intervene at all when encountering such a thing. She could only watch from the side. Moreover, the situation at this time was completely beyond her control. It was beyond her control.

After hearing this, Liu Yuqing and others became happy.

Liang En's request was very excessive, but they liked it very much after hearing it.

To embarrass Li Fan in public, this is what they want to see. At the same time, it can also let Li Fan see the gap between himself and others, a gap that will never be overcome in this life.

Liu Yuqing and others are born with a strong sense of superiority. They feel that their status and identity are different from others, which is not understandable by ordinary people.

So they naturally disdain being associated with people like Li Fan.

At the same time, they also find it annoying when people like Li Fan contradict themselves.

I even feel that my face has been rejected, and I feel a little embarrassed.

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you kneel down and kowtow? Didn't you listen to Mr. Liang? As long as you kneel down and kowtow to him and then apologize, he can forget about it and forget about it. This is for you But it's a God-given opportunity. This opportunity can't be bought with money. Do you understand? You should know what the consequences will be if you offend Mr. Liang. Now that I have pointed out a clear path for you, you should go up. Don't leave the aisle, otherwise it will be too late to regret later." Liu Yuqing said to Li Fan with a smile, but what she said was actually more provocation and contempt.

"That's it, what happened to the good deck of cards I just played for you? Originally, I had everything, but I had to do it myself. What do you think it has become? Is there any way to end it? There is no way to end it. It depends on you. You can do it. At this time, not only are there no benefits to be gained, but you have also lost your face. You can’t imagine that there are people in this world who can cure you, and there are people who are serious with you. If you are serious, you still suffer. No." Wang Jiasong also said disdainfully.

At this time, the four of them felt that Li Fan had to disgrace this person and lowered their heads.

But at this time, Li Fan walked towards Liang En with a smile and said to him: "You want me to apologize? Okay."

"Then what are you waiting for? Apologize quickly? Pay attention to your attitude. If your attitude is not good and makes me dissatisfied, you will have to do it again." Liang En was afraid when he heard that Li Fan said soft words. He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, raised his chin at the same time, and spoke condescendingly to Li Fan.

"Yes, I must have a good attitude, but I have a problem." Li Fan was still smiling, and others could not tell what his happiness and anger were.

"Why do you have so many questions? What's your problem? Tell me quickly, I don't have much time. What's the use of apologizing and asking so many questions?" Liang En said coldly.

He said pretending to be unhappy.

"No, no, no, this question is very important." Li Fan added with a smile.

"Then why don't you tell me quickly? What do you want to do with all your whining?" Liang En said somewhat unhappily.

"Okay, I don't know how to kneel down to salute, and I need to learn it. Mr. Liang, how about you teach me? Let me see how you kneel down to salute?" Li Fan had a bright look on his face. With a smile, he looked at Liang En without blinking, with many other meanings in his eyes.

After hearing this, Liang En's expression changed immediately, and his brows suddenly tightened. He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Fan, and said softly: "What? Are you kidding me?"

"I don't dare, I don't dare. How dare I play tricks on you, Mr. Liang? I really don't know how to kneel down and salute. How about you teach me?" Li Fan said with a deliberate smile.

After hearing this, Liang En didn't want to talk nonsense to Li Fan anymore, because now he couldn't get off the stage. He originally thought that Li Fan was afraid and really wanted to apologize to him, but it turned out that Li Fan just wanted to How could Liang En be able to bear the tone of teasing him? So Liang En stopped talking nonsense at this time and stretched out his hand directly to cover Li Fan's face with a slap.

But this slap never landed on Li Fan's face, but was easily caught by Li Fan.

"Master Liang, you are not good at this. You don't even have the strength to hit people, but you still threaten them? Who would be scared by you?" Li Fan held Liang En's hand, and then kicked Liang En away. .

This move shocked the entire audience. Everyone was dumbfounded, their eyes widening, looking at this scene in disbelief.

He actually beat Mr. Liang Enliang in public. What is the origin of this man? Doesn't he know who Liang En's father is?

Dare you do this? And in front of so many people.

Liang En's father, Liang Huan, was extremely powerful and very defensive. If someone hit his son, they would undoubtedly hit him in the face. There were not many people who dared to hit Liang in return.

Many people think that Li Fan must be crazy. Liang Huan will not ignore such a commotion. Once Liang Huan takes action, this person will definitely die without a burial place.

So after everyone looked stunned, they all curled their lips helplessly, thinking that Li Fan was seeking death and would definitely be punished.

And the day when he will be punished is not far away.

Especially Liu Yuqing and others, their eyes seemed to be bulging out at this time. They really couldn't believe this was true. They never imagined that this person who they all looked down on would actually dare to attack someone like Liang En. If he did it in public, did he really not know the consequences?

Or is your own face more important than your own life?

Is this person probably a fool? Anyway, he is either a madman or a fool, definitely not a normal person.

"Pa bang bang..."

Even Yang Chong couldn't help but applaud Li Fan at this time. He looked at Li Fan with admiration and said: "You are so powerful. You dare to hit Mr. Liang like this. You are so powerful now. You are famous, you know?" ? From now on, you will be my eldest brother. I will tell you your name when I travel in the world. Isn’t this amazing? Mr. Liang doesn’t even look down on it. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. I really admire you. I admire you so much. Me." Yang Chong said to Li Fan, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes at this time.

What Yang Chong said this time was not a lie or an irony. He really admired Li Fan because Li Fan had done something he didn't even dare to think about, so he admired Li Fan very much and felt that Li Fan It was really powerful. At the same time, he also felt that Li Fan was not far from death. He just had to wait for Liang to come to his door. Li Fan would definitely be punished to death by Liang.

At that time, Liang will definitely be as miserable as possible.

Yang Chong clapped deliberately. Liu Yuqing and others couldn't calm down for a long time. They looked at Li Fan in shock. They found this matter funny and helpless.

They all looked at Li Fan like a fool, feeling that Li Fan was really a talent, and he actually beat Mr. Liang in front of so many people.

Does he really not know what the consequences will be? You're such an old man, and you don't think about the consequences of doing things?

At the same time, they were also wondering, they didn't understand what Li Fan was thinking. Could it be that he couldn't bear the deliberate irritation they just made? Is that why I beat Mr. Liang?

But this is too reckless and does not consider the consequences. This matter has already been formed. If you beat Mr. Liang, this matter will definitely not be solved. Liang will definitely come to his door, and Li Fan will definitely end up in the end. It was a very miserable end, and he might not even be able to cry when the time comes.

"Do you really think that just because you have a few fists and kicks, you won't be afraid of anything? There are many things in this world that you can't think of, and there are many things that you can't control at all. When the time comes, you will only become more and more miserable. What a pity, what a pity. He's still a bit human, but he has a pig's brain and only cares about the so-called face. If his life is gone, what's the use of having face?" Liu Yuqing narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Fan helplessly. She thought I have seen through all of Li Fan's future.

After Li Fan hit Liang En, the smile on his face continued, but the focus of everyone's attention was on him.

Because everyone has also seen that something irreconcilable happened here in Li Fan.

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