Best Son-in-law

Chapter 875 Lightning Flint

This mysterious man held two revolvers in his hand, and then fired at the same time, shooting out all the bullets in the revolvers. It only took him more than ten seconds from firing to collecting the gun.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he completed the murderous act, making everyone at the scene feel extremely dangerous. They were all very scared, fearing that they would be the next to die.

Moreover, after this mysterious man fired, not a single bullet missed and he was killed. In other words, he killed more than a dozen people at once.

These dozen people were vying for seats. They were all dignitaries and dignitaries, but here they became worthless losers.

After they went out, they were all big men who were stamping their feet and trembling around them. Now they have become lambs at the mercy of others. There is also a very dramatic change in this process, which makes people sigh after seeing it.

At the same time, I also sighed a lot.

"Hahaha... I'm so happy. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. This life is so worthless, you can't even imagine it, haha..." This mysterious man laughed arrogantly, and everyone around him was in danger. , now they knew that what these people said were not lies, and if they didn’t listen to them, they would really die, so they all became honest at once. Those who had no seats panicked and quickly found the nearest seats. They wanted to sit on it, but reality did not give them this opportunity.

"Bang." There was a loud gunshot, and a powerful man was shot in the head. Blood splattered everywhere, which was really scary.

This is simply a terrifying purgatory on earth. These desperadoes don’t care about anything. They kill people here at will, as if they are not killing people, just like killing some animals. Scrupulous.

They killed big people, all powerful people! Are they not afraid of retaliation and intensifying conflicts?

"This is a real desperado." Now everyone is honest, completely honest. They know that these people are desperadoes who do what they say, and they are all reckless people. If they don't follow the rules, If they do what they say, then death may be the only thing waiting for them.

No one wants this.

At this time, everyone is in danger and no one dares to act rashly.

Killed nearly twenty people alive.

Blood was like a stream, wandering throughout the place.

This is really scary. The person who was joking with me one second is now lying on the ground and turned into a corpse the next second. How can everyone not be frightened, how can they not be afraid, not afraid?

The whole place was silent. No one dared to say a word, and no one dared to call the police. They didn't even dare to take their mobile phones.

The discussion at the scene also stopped abruptly. No one dared to act rashly and lose their lives. They were so scared that they could only wait slowly for these people's arrangements for them.

However, there are still some people who are not very honest. After all, they were fighting for seats just now, but failed to get a seat and were still standing. According to what they said, anyone without a seat will be shot to death. They don't want to They were shot to death like this, so they chose to struggle. All of them wanted to quietly find their way to the seats and sit down, which would be equivalent to saving their lives.

After all, they had not followed the requirements of these desperadoes before. These desperadoes had guns in their hands and they were just lambs waiting to be slaughtered, so they thought of finding a seat quickly, which would be regarded as meeting the requirements of these desperadoes. Once they reached these If the desperadoes ask for it, they will have a chance to survive and save their lives.

However, they did not dare to move too much. They only dared to move slowly, slowly approach the seat, and then sit on it, in order not to be discovered, and then hide it from the public.

After all, standing like this, as long as these desperadoes remember, they will be the next to snatch the souls.

At this time, everyone was very scared. Their legs were weak and they were shaking involuntarily. Although they were powerful people, this was their first time encountering such a scene. They had no experience in handling it, so they are still Terrified and frightened, everyone was so scared that they were out of their wits.

Forget about running away at this time, if they stand up rashly, they may have to crawl away. In this case, they are just moving targets for the sniper.

Now, even if these people don't want to be like fish, it's no use. They have absolutely no capital to resist, so what can they do to fight with others?

No matter who it is, no matter how powerful the big shots are outside, they can only tremble and lie on the ground begging for mercy.

But these desperadoes were destined not to give them any chance. They heard another snap, and a man fell to the ground, his head being opened.

This time it burst out, both red and white. Some ladies at the scene couldn't help but scream, but their mouths were covered by the men next to them. They also quickly covered the mouths of these women, because They were afraid that making too much noise would lead to death.

But the scene now is really scary, the scene is like a slaughterhouse.

"I told you a long time ago to sit down obediently, but you didn't listen, so what's the use of moving now? I declare that anyone who moves erratically now will definitely be beaten to death. If you don't believe it, you can try it." The mysterious man's voice appeared again, and his voice was extremely excited, as if years of resentment had finally come out.

"We hate dishonest people the most. Cooperate with us honestly and do whatever we ask you to do. Maybe there is still a way to survive. If you use your brain to think of other things and don't listen to us, It must be a dead end. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try and see whether your life is better or whether our bullets are faster. If our bullets are faster, you will be finished." The mysterious man said this slightly jokingly , he was extremely happy, thinking that his long-cherished wish finally came true.

This time, no one dared to move anymore, let alone speak.

All of them were sitting upright, and those who were sitting were all sitting very well, not daring to make any movement, and their mobile phones were quietly turned off.

Those who were standing did not dare to move to their seats anymore. They all remembered what these people said. They knew that as long as they moved, they would definitely die. They didn't want to die, they all wanted to live, so They didn't dare to take any action. They just wanted to listen to these people's orders, and then wait until these people were happy and let them have a way out.

Besides, their legs are so scared that they are weak and numb now. Even if they are asked to move, they may not be able to move even with so much effort.

But these desperadoes had no intention of letting them go. They only heard a gunshot, and a big man without a seat was beaten to death.

Then another shot rang out and another fell to the ground.

The scene looked like a dyeing shop, with flowers of all colors ranging from red to white. There were also excited howls, shouts, whistles and cheers from these people.

"They are all lunatics, these people are all lunatics, they are all lunatics." Liu Yuqing couldn't control her mood. She gritted her teeth and said. She was also extremely scared, fearing that these people would treat her in the same way again. They are disadvantageous.

And where have people like Liu Yuqing experienced these things? All of them are well-off, and their families have never put them in any danger. Now that they are faced with such a life-and-death situation, how can they not break down?

At this moment, their hearts collapsed, and even tears fell down now.

As Liu Yuqing's boyfriend, Yang Chong still stretched out a hand and held Liu Yuqing's hand. No matter what, he wanted to comfort Liu Yuqing.

"They are all desperadoes. They just want to scare us. We have to calm down. Since they have guns in their hands, we can't fight head-on now. We still have to fight wits and take our time. People under the eaves have to bow their heads. , stop talking and bear with it." Yang Chong advised, he still hoped that Liu Yuqing would bear with this matter.

But Liu Yuqing was really about to collapse. She couldn't bear it at all. Her tears were falling and she couldn't stop them at all.

"In this situation, we should calm down and analyze the situation. We have no way to resist. As long as anyone makes a move, he will be killed. We only have one life. They shot him in the head, so this life We can't bet, we can only be patient and see what they want next. Didn't they just say that? They may just want something. For these things, they will do such a thing. They definitely don't want it. Someone is hindering them, so as long as we don't hinder them, maybe everything will be fine. This is also a chance for us to survive." Hou Yuhai no longer had the same air as before, and he was much older. Because he was a friend, he still offered words of comfort. Liu Yuqing’s.

At this time, not only Liu Yuqing was crying, but Wang Jiasong was also crying. They were women after all, and their hearts were broken now. However, with the comfort of these two people, they felt better.

In stark contrast to the two of them, Ding Yanan looked as usual. She was not afraid, she was also very scared, for fear that the gun and bullets would fall on her body, or on someone else's body. Her father, but she also had a kind of confidence. She didn't know where she came from. She felt that she would be fine because there was someone who was always by her side, and that person was Li Fan. , she felt that with Li Fan here, he would be able to turn danger into good luck. With Li Fan here, this matter would definitely be gone, and this matter would definitely be calmed down.

So after seeing Li Fan, Ding Yanan seemed to have a backbone. Even though Li Fan didn't say anything now, she also felt a sense of security. This sense of security belonged to Li Fan alone. She had never felt like this from others. sense of security.

Even now Ding Yanan couldn't help but take a peek, but Li Fan still had a faint smile on his face, as if he was watching a farce, and his expression was lazy, as if he didn't pay attention to what was happening at all. The attitudes of Li Fan and Yang Chong were in sharp contrast, which made Ding Yanan couldn't help but have a smile on her face, as if she was very safe with Li Fan.

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