Best Son-in-law

Chapter 893 Long Memory

When it comes to dealing with this Ma Bangqi, Li Fan should also deal with this Ma Bangqi. After all, he was the one who caused trouble for Li Fan just now. If he said that he should not be dealt with, Li Fan felt a little uncomfortable. After all, this Ma Bangqi had caused trouble for him before.

Li Fan was really worried. He really didn't know how to deal with a villain like Ma Bangqi.

"Girl, what do you want to do with him?" Li Fan didn't know what to do with Ma Bangqi, so he simply left the problem to the girl.

After hearing this, the girl couldn't help but look at Ma Bangqi: "Hey, Boss Ma, weren't you very majestic just now? Aren't you trying to cause trouble for us? Aren't you going to let us go? Aren't you trying to eradicate the roots? Aren't you going to do that? Are we unable to survive or die? Why have we changed now? Have you changed your mind?"

"Yes, yes, I have changed my mind. What things should I not have done? I made a lot of mistakes. They are all my fault. Don't worry about it. Let me go. How about I give you the money? I'll give it to you." I’ll give it all to you, I’ll give you all my money.”

Ma Bangqi was afraid that he would be beaten to death by Li Fan here. In this wilderness, no one would answer him even if he was beaten to death, so Ma Bangqi didn't want to be beaten to death, so he could only cry like this.

"Bah, who wants your dirty money?" the girl spat at the Ma Bang flag.

"No, no, no, compensation, compensation, it's all compensation. This money is my heart, my compensation, it doesn't matter whether you want it or not. Please give me a chance to start a new life. I will definitely work hard and cherish it. I'm going to be a new person." Ma Bangqi knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Okay, I'm not interested in your money. It's just that you're not very good at it. You have to have a better memory. Aren't you trying to make me unable to survive and die? You should do the same for yourself." Li Fan is too lazy to get to know this Ma Bangqi.

It is impossible for the girl to ask for his money, so this person has no value to Li Fan and the girl. They are still worried about Ma Bangqi, so they want him to find something to do, punish him casually, and then punish him casually. He passed it off like a fart.

Ma Bangqi is also very smart. He knew what Li Fan meant right away. He immediately knelt straight and slapped his mouth again and again. Each time he was slapped hard, he was slapped hard every time. He vomited blood. At this time, Ma Bangqi's mouth was full of blood, but he still persisted.

In this moment, Ma Bangqi's mouth was swollen and tears came out of his eyes, but he still kept slapping his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Li Fan smiled and said: "Okay, you will have a long memory. This will be good for you in the future. If you do too much injustice, you will be killed."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Li is right, I am not a person, I am not a thing, I am not a person, I am not a thing..."

In this way, Ma Bangqi slapped his mouth while shouting slogans. He was afraid that Li Fan would care about him, so he used a lot of force every time. The effect was also obvious. After a while, both sides of Ma Bangqi's face were swollen. They were all bleeding.

"Okay." Li Fan smiled deliberately, and then paused for a while.

Ma Bangqi thought Li Fan had let him go, so he breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the ground.

But Li Fan added: "If you slap a thousand more slaps, forget about it. I won't watch here. But if you don't slap a thousand slaps and let me see it, then I will If you are rude to you, or if you don't smoke well enough and let me find out, it won't be as simple as today, I will definitely make your life worse than death, and then let you truly be a good person."

"Yes, yes, I'm not a human being, I'm not a thing..." Ma Bangqi whipped himself to the point of tears streaming down his face. He cried, whipped, and cursed himself.

His head was dizzy. The slaps on his mouth made him dizzy. He didn't even know who he was.

Seeing that Ma Bangqi was so honest, Li Fan was too lazy to be acquainted with him. He smiled, and then took the girl away: "Okay, let's go, let this boss Ma repent and let him reflect on it." What I have done, maybe after this period of time, Boss Ma will grow up, and he will become a good person, at least a useful person to society, at least a very outstanding person."

Seeing Ma Bangqi like this, the girl felt very relieved and very happy at the same time, but at this time she was embarrassed to laugh out loud, so she endured it, but she followed Li Fan on the garden road, so she endured it. No more, he laughed directly at Li Fan: "Hahahaha..."

The girl laughed so hard that tears flowed out.

"What's wrong? Why are you laughing?" Li Fan didn't understand.

"Look at what the Ma Bang flag looks like." After the girl finished laughing, tears appeared in her big eyes.

The girl's eyes were misty, as if the hatred for many years had finally been resolved today, which made her breathe a big sigh of relief.

The girl had been suffering from grievances before, but now she finally vented her years of grievances.

Can this girl not be excited?

"Hahaha, indeed, he deserves it." Li Fan also laughed and smiled. He found that something was wrong with the girl. When he found that the girl was crying, he was a little puzzled. Why was the girl crying? Isn't it something worth being happy about?

"Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Isn't this something to be happy about? This Ma Bang Banner has received retribution, hahaha." Li Fan said to the girl with a smile.

"Yes, he should have such retribution, he deserves it, he deserves it." The girl also hated Ma Bangqi in her heart and spat.

"Then why are you crying?" Li Fan asked in confusion.

"I'm just sad, I'm sad about my grandpa." The girl's eyes immediately dropped, and she felt very sad. At this moment, she didn't know what to say.

"Your grandfather?" Li Fan looked at the girl.

When the girl mentioned his grandfather, Li Fan's expression froze a little. He suddenly thought of his grandfather. At this time, Li Fan couldn't help but feel infinite sadness in his heart. His grandfather has always been him. There was a pain in his heart. Even now, when he thinks about it, Li Fan still feels like his heart is being pulled.

At this time, Li Fan's heart felt particularly painful. Li Fan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and his eyes became very dim.

Seemingly seeing this change in Li Fan, the girl couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing. I just thought about some people and things." Li Fan couldn't help but dodge in his eyes. He didn't want the girl to see what he was thinking.

This is the most precious thing about Li Fan, and he doesn't want to mention it to others.

"Don't you think of your grandpa too?" The girl Bingxue was smart. She saw the change in Li Fan's face and guessed some of Li Fan's thoughts at this time. She thought that Li Fan might also be because of her own Grandpa is sad.

Seeing the girl asking this, Li Fan didn't want to avoid it anymore. He nodded to the girl and said, "Yes, I was thinking of my grandfather, alas."

"Is this your grandpa?" The girl couldn't help but ask one more question, blinking her cute big eyes.

If someone asked Li Fan this, Li Fan would feel a little rude, but it was hard for Li Fan to say anything to this girl, because just now Li Fan saw with his own eyes some of the things this girl did for him, and he didn't have any feelings in his heart. It was all fake. of.

Some of the girl's actions really touched Li Fan's heartstrings.

So Li Fan didn't put much guard against her, and Li Fan directly said some of the things she asked.

"My grandfather has passed away." Li Fan sighed and said, after finishing speaking, he felt that his heart was even more blocked.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The girl faced Li Fan as if she had done something wrong.

Seeing the girl's behavior, Li Fan felt a little soft in his heart. He sighed and said, "Forget it, it's nothing. It's all in the past."

After the two people finished talking, they said nothing more. At this time, the atmosphere between the two was somewhat awkward.

It was the girl who broke the deadlock first. She looked directly at Li Fan and asked, "Can I treat you to a meal? I want to thank you, so I want to treat you to a meal." The girl kept blinking for fear that Li Fan would disagree. Blinking.

"Okay, I happen to be hungry too, but let me treat you to dinner." Li Fan smiled. He no longer regarded this girl as an outsider at this time. He knew that this girl did not have much money. At least Li Fan felt that She didn't look like a rich person, so Li Fan wanted to take the initiative to treat this girl to a meal.

"No, no, no, no, I have to treat you to dinner. This meal must be mine." The girl looked at Li Fan seriously and said, she was really worried.

Seeing that the girl was so serious, Li Fan felt a little helpless. He smiled casually: "Why do you have to invite me?"

"Because you helped me, I will treat you to dinner to thank you, and you helped me get justice and endured what you shouldn't have to bear for me. Although you are fine now, if you offended those bad people because of me, And if those bad guys hold grudges against me, then I am a sinner." The girl said to Li Fan very seriously.

Hearing the girl speaking so seriously, Li Fan couldn't help but laugh: "Where are the sinners? They are the sinners, they are the villains. They have done bad things. You and I are just victims. We are both. Victims, how can one victim say that another victim is a sinner after being harmed? There is no such thing as that, right?"

After hearing Li Fan's words, the girl nodded, but she still insisted on inviting Li Fan to dinner.

Li Fan couldn't refuse and went to dinner with her.

Li Fan was also hungry at this time. He happened to want to eat, and he was still a little curious about something about this girl.

Li Fanke had heard about the deeds of this girl's grandfather before, so Li Fan also respected the girl's grandfather very much.

"Okay, I'll have dinner with you." Li Fan smiled and nodded. He was afraid that if he didn't agree, the girl wouldn't sleep well at night.

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