Best Son-in-law

Chapter 909 Uncomfortable

"At this time, please don't cause trouble for Village Chief Xia." Old Uncle Wang said angrily. He knew that Xia Menglan had something urgent this time, otherwise he wouldn't have left Laoshan Village like this.

Therefore, Erxi Niang's request is simply unreasonable. Putting it forward will only embarrass Xia Menglan. Uncle Wang knows that Laoshantun has received too much kindness from Xia Menglan. At this time, it would be too inhumane to make some unreasonable requests. , so he got angry with Er Xi Niang.

Er Xi Niang really hoped that Xia Meng Lan could attend her son's wedding, so she looked directly at Xia Meng Lan with longing in her eyes. In fact, this was also the way Er Xi Niang wanted to keep Xia Meng Lan. She She just wanted Xia Menglan to stay a little longer so that she could attend Wang Erxi's wedding.

But Xia Menglan is destined not to stay in Laoshantun any longer, either because of other reasons or because her belly is getting bigger day by day. She can no longer hide her belly, and recently she has obviously felt that she has been eating a little bit. nausea.

She even showed it for a while. In front of the aunts in the village, she ran to the toilet and vomited while eating.

This incident also shocked the aunts in the village, who quickly asked her what was wrong and whether she felt uncomfortable somewhere.

At that time, Xia Menglan just assumed that she had caught a cold. Because Xia Menglan had a good impression on everyone in the village before, everyone believed in her words. No one thought too much, and no one doubted whether what she said was true. real.

But at this time, Xia Menglan knew that she couldn't stay any longer. Her belly was a little bigger now, which could be attributed to eating too much. She could also find an excuse for vomiting because she had a bad stomach or caught a cold, but If there are more things like this in the future, even a fool will be able to figure out what is going on. Xia Menglan will give an explanation to the people in the village. After all, she is pregnant and she has not said who the child she gave birth to is. Yes, it will have a bad impact on the people in the village.

Xia Menglan hopes that she will leave the best impression in Laoshantun and does not want to leave other impressions.

Hearing Er Xi Niang speak like this, Xia Menglan wanted to find a reason to refuse. At this time, Old Uncle Wang just said something. Xia Meng Lan felt like she was being pardoned. She smiled reluctantly at Er Xi Niang and nodded.

There was a bit of embarrassment in her smile.

But at this moment, Qiu Hongguo, who was next to Erxi Niang, couldn't help but vomited, and she ran out quickly.

"What's wrong?" the people around asked quickly.

"Hongguo's pregnancy." Erxi Niang explained with a smile that she was going to be a grandmother soon, and Er Xiniang was very happy.

Seeing that Qiu Hongguo was a little uncomfortable, Wang Erxi also followed him thoughtfully, supporting and following Qiu Hongguo all the way.

"Oh, this second wife is happy enough. It won't be long after we get married, and you will be a grandma." Aunt Seven quickly joked.

"Hahaha, who's to say it's not? Now our old couple's wish has come true. We were worried about Erxi before. He didn't do his job properly and only knew how to fool around outside. My father and I were both angry. He died, but there was nothing he could do. He is better now. Now Erxi knows what to do and what to do. He is not messing around with others like before. He can see the future now and is getting better day by day. Now, our family can have something to look forward to, and Erxi’s marriage is also settled. Now Hongguo is pregnant again. From now on, there is nothing to worry about. We will just wait to finish the wedding wine and bring Hongguo Erxi and the others. Just have children." Erxi Niang said with a smile. Her face is full of happiness now, and she feels that her future is bright.

Now Qiu Hongguo and Wang Erxi have set a wedding date, so Qiu Hongguo naturally moved to Laoshantun and lived with Wang Erxi's house.

It's just for raising a fetus.

Qiu Hongguo also saw with her own eyes the development and harmony of Laoshantun, so she didn't say anything. Wang Erxi was indeed a better destination. For her, Qiu Hongguo naturally didn't have too many other requirements. .

Seeing Qiu Hongguo going out to vomit, Xia Menglan couldn't help but touch her belly. She also had the urge to vomit. Recently, Xia Menglan has been feeling nauseated and retching. She wanted to vomit but couldn't, but now In this case, she naturally would not vomit directly, but just smiled at everyone sheepishly.

"Auntie, there is really an emergency at home. I know what everyone is thinking, and I know what you are thinking, but the things at home have to be dealt with, so I can't stay. I'm sorry, Auntie." Xia Menglan said with some embarrassment. .

Hearing Xia Menglan's words, Erxi Niang was a little disappointed, but she could only nod her head. After all, she knew that Xia Menglan had serious things to do, and it was impossible for her to stay in the village just to attend Wang Erxi's wedding.

So Erxi Niang pulled Xia Menglan's sleeve, her hand was very tight, but finally she relaxed: "Oh, that's it, it's okay, Village Chief Xia, you should be busy with your own business, we don't have anything else to do. What else does it mean?"

In the end, Xia Menglan's farewell party was not very happy. The aunts in the village couldn't bear their emotions. The other children were also a little sad, and even some uncles sighed.

Finally, Xia Menglan's farewell party ended under such circumstances. Although she was a little unhappy, her feelings were explained and everyone expressed their feelings.

After the farewell party, the folks in Laoshantun also left crying together.

Xia Menglan was also affected by the atmosphere today and drank more wine. She saw everyone so sad and her eye circles were red.

But there is no other way. When there is a time to get together, there is a time to part. The reunion and parting are just a turn. There is no banquet in the world that never ends.

Even at this time, Xia Menglan didn't know if she had any hope of returning to Laoshantun, the pastoral life she wanted most, and returning to these simple villagers.

But that day may never come.

Therefore, Xia Menglan's heart was filled with panic, but she still hoped that Laoshantun would get better and better, and its future development would flourish. After all, this was a fertile land for which she had devoted a lot of money.

The crowd at the Ordinary Hotel had dispersed. Some aunts and the like dragged Xia Menglan to talk to each other until the evening, and finally left. Xia Menglan said that she wanted to relax, but she kept walking in the village. Walking aimlessly, she walked very slowly, gently feeling the breeze and letting the wind blow her hair away.

Tears blurred Xia Menglan's eyes again.

She really wanted to engrave Laoshantun in her mind and take it back with her.

At this time, Xia Menglan suddenly felt that time was passing too fast. Even if she walked like this, she could not keep track of the time that was passing by so fast. She could not catch it at all, so Xia Menglan felt extremely melancholy in her heart.

At this moment, Xia Menglan suddenly noticed something moving around her. She frowned and asked quickly: "Who is it?"

The person who came out was none other than Li Fan. Li Fan looked straight at Xia Menglan, his eyes a little turbulent. He sighed helplessly: "The reason why you are like this is all because of me. I'm sorry. If it weren't for me, You don’t have to leave the village either.”

Li Fan was truly sorry for Xia Menglan, and he didn't know how to make up for it.

So looking at Xia Menglan's eyes, she cringed a little.

"Where is your fault? I don't blame you. These are all fates. I accept my fate. It's okay. You don't have to blame yourself." Xia Menglan looked at Li Fan with tender eyes.

No matter what, Laoshantun left the deepest and most beautiful impression on her. Here she enjoyed the tenderness of the countryside and a different kind of quiet time.

"Alas." After hearing this, Li Fan was also a little sad.

"It's an accident in itself. Don't think too much about it. In fact, you are a very good person. I know that, but... things are unpredictable. Some things cannot be solved simply." Although Xia Menglan felt sad and a little uncomfortable. , but she still did not forget to comfort Li Fan at this time, because she knew that Li Fan was a particularly outstanding person, and she did not want Li Fan to be affected by this incident.

In the end, Xia Menglan just wanted to keep the best.

She was destined to leave.

"Actually, you can stay. I will take responsibility for what I do." Li Fan gritted his teeth and said. He had been watching from the side before, but the more Li Fan looked at it, the more uncomfortable he became.

At this point, he really has no choice.

Li Fan couldn't stand this kind of inner torture, so he spoke to Xia Menglan like this. Of course, Li Fan didn't say this to comfort Xia Menglan or anything. He really wanted to take responsibility and take on this responsibility.

"Actually, it's enough for you to have this intention. You really don't have to bear the responsibility, because it was just an accident." Xia Menglan said with a smile.

"You have more choices, why do you make such a choice? The birth of this child will not benefit you in any way." Li Fan asked with some confusion.

"It may not be of any benefit to me in other people's eyes, and others will give up on this child, but for me, the birth of this child has special meaning to me. I don't care about other people's opinions, and this matter has nothing to do with you. , it’s all my own decisions, so you don’t have to blame yourself too much, and you don’t have to think too much, just like my mother didn’t give up my life at the beginning, I just have that person’s blood in me, but I am me and he is him. It is different. In the same way, the child in my belly is him and you are you. You are not the same. We cannot just be together, but I will not cruelly deprive you of it. You have the right as a father. When the child is born, you can come to me and see the child." Xia Menglan said with a long sigh of relief.

After hearing this, Li Fan was stunned. He really didn't know what level of thought Xia Menglan had reached. Anyway, what she said really frightened Li Fan.

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