Best Son-in-law

Chapter 929 Forked Road

"What was that thing just now?" Wei Ning couldn't help but ask at this time, she was very curious about what the mushroom was just now.

"Man-eating mushroom? Can we call it that?" Qi Wenjing said casually.

"Generally speaking, piranha flowers are like this. The world is truly vast and full of wonders." Yan Wanyun sighed softly beside her. She also lamented the wonder of this world.

This kind of thing had never been heard of before, but it actually appeared in a place like the back mountain of Laoshantun, which made Yan Wanyun's heart agitate.

"It's so cold today, and there is such a thing. Everyone, please be careful." Li Fan shouted, and everyone nodded.

This scene also stunned Qiu Hongguo. She didn't dare to make any mistakes in such an environment. This place was more dangerous than she imagined, so she immediately became more honest.

"Fanzi, do you know anything about this kind of thing? I have never seen it before. Have you seen it before when you went up the mountain? Or have any old people in the village ever said anything about this kind of thing before?" Zhou Xiaoman couldn't help but ask.

Li Fan just shook his head and said that he had never seen or heard of this strange plant.

"Isn't there supposed to be no danger in the back mountain? How could such a plant appear?" Zhou Xiaoman's face suddenly turned very ugly.

Li Fan was particularly helpless: "There are many roads in the back mountain. In fact, there are only a few fixed roads. I used to take the familiar ones, but this time it snowed and the roads were covered. Maybe I went astray before. , I came from another place, there was snow all around, and there was no reference point, so I may have taken the wrong road and ended up here." Li Fan thought about it and felt regretful. He had never gone there in the winter before. After passing the back mountain, I didn’t know that there was such a thing. The elders in the village had never mentioned this. They all thought that it was unlikely that anyone would go to the back mountain in the winter.

It was so cold, but he didn't expect that Li Fan would take people to the back mountain, and because of the heavy snow, he would accidentally hit such a place.

"Blame me, blame me, I took you the wrong way, it's my fault." At this time, Li Fan also had the courage to admit his mistakes.

"It's not your fault. In fact, it's okay. Let's just go back the way we came." Zhou Xiaoman smiled. She felt that the fault was not on Li Fan.

Li Fan was also confused by Qiu Hongguo this time. He was thinking about what happened before and didn't pay attention to the road. He always felt that he had walked these roads many times, so nothing would happen. But no I noticed that the heavy snow that has been falling has covered the original road, and the snow has changed the surrounding scene. Before, I could distinguish the trees and boulders by relying on them, but now the trees are bare and the boulders are also covered by the heavy snow. Covered.

There are many roads into the back mountain. If you take one wrong step, they will all go astray, so this time Li Fan and others have reached a fork in the road.

Zhou Xiaoman said, wanting to lead everyone back along the original route with smiles on their faces.

But when they went back and looked, the road under their feet was covered with snow again, and they could no longer see where they came from before.

After walking out for a few steps, I saw a vast expanse of whiteness all around. It was all white and bare. It was impossible to tell the difference between east, west and north. No one knew where they were.

It turned out that Zhou Xiaoman wanted to take everyone away, but after walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped and looked at Li Fan with a troubled face, wanting Li Fan to lead the way.

Li Fan was also stunned at this time. He looked outside and said helplessly: "Can't you find the way?"

"Yes, we can't find the way. Fanzi, what do you think we should do? You can take everyone out, I can't take them out." Zhou Xiaoman said a little embarrassed.

At this time, Qiu Hongguo didn't take it seriously. She thought everything was fine.

But Li Fan's next words made everyone's hearts freeze.

"I don't know how to go. The snow is too heavy and I can't remember the way I went." Li Fan's words were filled with helplessness, and he himself was filled with regret.

"What?" At this time, Qiu Hongguo stared straight-eyed and looked at Li Fan angrily.

"I said, why are you so unreliable? They all came up with you. You know the road. Where did you take you? You said you don't know the road. You are so unreliable. If I had known better, I wouldn't have followed you. Come here." Qiu Hongguo accused directly.

But at this time Zhou Xiaoman couldn't listen any more. She turned to Qiu Hongguo and said, "Are you still talking about others? It's you who keeps talking and making trouble along the way. It's all because of you. What happened? Who can not be distracted by this? Besides, the snow is so heavy that the road is submerged, and there is not even a distinguishable scene around. It is normal that you can't go back. No one can take it back with you, and now you can't bring it back. It's already like this, what's the use of blaming others? Why don't you find a way out yourself? Aren't you the last one to arrive? You should remember how to walk the previous way, and you will lead the way."

"I'll lead the way? Why do you have the nerve to let me lead the way? I know shit, you guys threw me away. It's good if I can follow you. You want me to lead the way, bah." Qiu Hongguo spat indifferently, No matter what others think.

At this time, everyone was dissatisfied with her, even Qi Wenjing and others who were silent on the side were like this, but they couldn't get angry easily.

"Okay, stop talking. It's my fault that I went the wrong way. I'll find a way to take everyone out. You all believe in me." Li Fan tried his best to calm down.

"You are taking everyone out? How dare you say such a thing? Do you have the ability to take everyone out? What nonsense are you talking about? Is it interesting?" Qiu Hongguo spat at Li Fan.

Li Fan had been patient all this time, and he couldn't help curling his lips: "If you don't believe me, you can leave by yourself. If you don't, please shut up."

Li Fan said coldly, then looked around carefully and looked at the snow on the ground.

"There are traces of our steps here." Wei Ning suddenly pointed at a piece of snow and said.

"Look, although this trace has been buried, we can still go back if we identify it carefully." Wei Ning said excitedly.

Yan Wanyun saw this scene from the side and was secretly happy: "Mr. Li, Miss Zhou, you all should come and take a look. Really, we can get out with this trace."

After hearing this, Li Fan and Zhou Xiaoman went to see it together. They both nodded. The traces were indeed made by them.

Although it was covered with fresh snow, I could still walk out with this trace.

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