Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1975: Looking back again (1)

Gu Qingqing came out this time with Nie Zhining. After he was working, he invited her out for dinner. Gu Qingqing didn’t want to go on a trip with him. Nie Zhining smiled and said, “I’ll be going back in a few days. I won’t be out late, maybe the next time we meet is a few years later. I’ve specifically inquired and found the most expensive and most expensive restaurant here, and I’m waiting for your treat."

Gu Qingqing frowned slightly: "But my job..."

"I just ate dinner with you, Mr. Lin. He said that it is never popular to work overtime at night. This is your promise to invite me to have a meal. Are you going to run the bill?"

Gu Qingqing furrowed her eyebrows deeper, thinking that she had received a lot of favor from Nie Zhining before, and she just went out to eat, and in recent years, Nie Zhining had never asked her to do anything. She thought about it and nodded.

Nie Zhining nodded: "Then I'll go order a meal, don't you want to not come by then?"


The restaurant selected by Nie Zhining is an old-brand Michelin three-star restaurant. In the best hotel in San Francisco, there are usually many celebrities and celebrities patronizing it. Nie Zhining smiled when she picked her up: "Seeing that you have been a good messenger recently, I can blackmail you a lot today. It is said that many obviously will come."

Gu Qingqing nodded, suddenly thinking of something, and asked: "Is the restaurant tonight recommended by Lin Zhouyi?"

Nie Zhining replied: "No, he recommended another Cantonese cuisine. I thought that I would have to eat the specialties here, so I found another one. What's wrong? Why do you suddenly think of Lin Zhouyi?"

Gu Qingqing shook his head: "Nothing." It's not recommended by Lin Zhouyi.

What she didn’t know was that Nie Zhining had indeed consulted Lin Zhouyi’s restaurant, and the Cantonese restaurant he recommended was indeed, but before he left, he “inadvertently” mentioned: “I went to Miss Gu before. When the XX Hotel had a meeting, she kept saying that she wanted to eat at this restaurant. It was said to be a three-star Michelin restaurant and it tasted pretty good. However, this restaurant is very popular and can't be eaten for a long time without making an appointment in advance, unless you find a relationship. So she I’ve been talking about it several times, but I’ve never been there. Especially today, it’s still special to her, but it’s a pity that she still has to work in the company at this time."

It is quite special. Today, one year ago, she flew to the United States.

After Nie Zhining listened to it, he kept it in his heart, and when he turned back, he asked friends to book a position through various relationships. My friend also said that there were activities in the hotel today, and it was rare to book him a location near the gate.

Gu Qingqing still has no idea. Nie Zhining also asked Lin Zhouyi a question: "Qingqing, does she plan to stay here in the future? She lives by herself, isn't it safe?"

Lin Zhouyi understood what he meant, and deliberately pretended not to understand, and said, "Yeah. After she came, she started studying, and then she got bored. There are many people in the company who have a good impression of her, and she also said that she wanted to Work is the main thing. Although there are no women left in the United States, it is hard enough for her to work alone with you."

That is no boyfriend? Nie Zhining's mind was slightly alive. Although up to now, his feelings for her have gradually faded with the passage of time. But if there is a chance to reconnect with her, it will be considered complete.

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