Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 2008: Farewell (17)

Gu Qingqing was stunned again. She never told her mother and brother about the divorce. Although she still gave them money on time every month, the strange thing was that they never had a single question or complaint. She left China for a year, and they didn't mean to ask her to go home once, it was incredibly quiet.

Maybe it was because they were repaired too hard by Lengs City before, or maybe because my brother managed to escape from prison, so he learned how to behave. Or, she was too disappointed with them, so she consciously avoided all news about them.

But anyway, these two are her closest people, if they have problems, she will not sit idly by!

"What do you want?"

"It's not what I want, but what you choose. Except for me, no one can keep you and your family at this time." Lin Zhouyi smiled, "You also said that you have nothing to me now Use value. In that case, what is the difference between staying and leaving?"

"I don't understand." Gu Qingqing frowned, "Since I have no use value now, then you..."

"Just take it, I'm a Virgo perfectionist." Lin Zhouyi raised his head and smiled. "After all, after being a perfect person for so long, you alone can see through my hypocritical appearance and say so much. face."

Gu Qingqing herself was a little speechless, she still wanted to refute, Lin Zhouyi came directly: "Three ways, you choose yourself. Actually I prefer the first way, who can't get along with the money? In fact, the third way is me. It's a disadvantage. Even if you work for me for a lifetime, you won't be able to make it back. You should give me money. Redemption-body-fee."

"I will report back to Yancheng headquarters next week, I know." From the surprise just now, Gu Qingqing withdrew a little bit of reason. In fact, Lin Zhouyi was right. Regardless of LUCY's targeting of the company this time, it was all because of her. There was nothing to her as soon as she left, and the loss was all borne by the company. She has no use value now, and it makes no difference where she works.

"Okay, then I will wait for you in Yancheng." After she closed the door completely, Lin Zhouyi called: "Hey, find a chance to tell them and let them know that Gu Qingqing is going to return to China."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Zhouyi looked at her resignation letter on the table, picked it up with a finger, and tore it in half with a “chick”.

He really can't deal with her, but it doesn't mean that other people won't, right? Just like this time, even though Lengscheng didn't make a move, the Lucy beside him was a lot of trouble. The 50 million dollar game is not big enough, but what about next time?

Just let him watch a good show next to him.


In the next few days, because this press conference invited many reporters and many celebrities to help out, the result was such a big mess at the new brand press conference, which suddenly became big news. In addition, LUCY's family is a media company, and it suddenly became an influential event.

Xu Yi was speechless in this incident until the hottest week of hype, when LUCY threatened to submit a complaint to the court, Xu Yi obediently lost money. And one shot is 50 million, which is simply and neatly staggering. Seeing that the incident is about to die down, and there is a spread in the market, this incident is a hype advertisement made by Xu Yi in cooperation with LUCY.

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