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Many people died in their hands because they provoke them, and Fu Weixue relied on his extraordinary family background to directly treat them as people who could bully at will.

When I was in the Fu family, I asked for trouble. Now that I have left the Fu family and want to hunt down, how can I endure it?

Baili Hongzhuang's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and her jet-black eyes were covered with a layer of frost, and Fu Weixue's repeated troubles were indeed annoying to her.

If she only provokes her, it is also a personal grievance between them.

It is never too late for a gentleman to avenge him.

She can bear it without rushing to retaliate. She dormant for a few days and defeats it with an open mind, that is also an excellent result.

It's just that now this is causing trouble to Han Jingwei and the others, and this matter doesn't just involve her alone.

When she first arrived, the Han family treated her extremely well, and she really didn't want to cause too much trouble for the Han family. Now that it affects their experience and cultivation, her unhappiness naturally grows stronger.

"It seems that I have to find a chance to do it." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Hearing what his owner said, Xiao Hei couldn't help turning his head and said in surprise, "Are you ready to do it?"

"You have to find a suitable opportunity."

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes are serious, and with her current strength, she is indeed not Fu Weixue's opponent, and she won't have the upper hand in a head-on fight, not to mention that there are so many people.

Unless the two teams are really fighting head-to-head, this is not good for the relationship between the two families, and she doesn't want this to happen.

If there is a chance to separate, only the two of them are the best.

"Now that both teams are here, there should be no chance here."

Xiao Hei also understands this. He understands the character of his owner better.

She was grateful to the Han family, and naturally did not want to cause trouble to the Han family.

"Since I have come to the magic city, I have to stay here again. There are opportunities."

Baili Hongzhuang is not in a hurry for a while, now Fu Weixue can't find an opportunity, nor can she find an opportunity.

But since both parties have this mindset, then sooner or later there will be hands on.

"Go out and have a look."

Baili Hongzhuang withdrew from the state of cultivation and walked outside.

Since these people are all coming to her, she has to go out and see.

As Baili Hongzhuang walked out, everyone who was mining stopped temporarily and looked at her.

Baili Hongzhuang saw Fu Weixue and others at a glance, the latter also looked at her, both sides swept away, and there was a hint of coldness.

"Oh, finally came out." Fu Weixue sneered.

"Some dog skin plasters can't be shaken off, so come out and have a look."

Baili Hongzhuang was not polite at the moment, since he had already torn his face, naturally there was no need to care.

"It's not because some guys don't know good or bad." Fu Weixue said.

"Better than shameless."

When this was said, everyone looked at Lan Yixuan in surprise.

As far as Lan Yixuan, whom they had contacted before, had always been relatively silent and didn't speak much, she didn't expect that she was really not weak when she came up with people at the moment.

Fu Weixue was stunned by what she said for a while, and she couldn't speak.

"Don't be too proud, you want to be the elder of the Han family with a pill, but it's not that easy!" Fu Weixue said angrily.

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