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Once you have left this spirit stone mine, it will be very difficult to find such a wonderful place for cultivation next time.

The time to come here for experience is not long. If she can, she doesn't want to waste time on this kind of guy, but this guy obviously only has a private enmity with her, and nothing else is in mind.

The moment Fu Weixue saw Baili Hongzhuang was a little nervous, worried that she would call other people, but when she noticed that she was alone and didn't want to call other people, she immediately felt relieved.

This woman is really courageous, knowing what she is doing, she hasn't called anyone!

Do you still want to single out with her?

"Lan Yixuan, the enmity between the two of us will be resolved sooner or later, don't call others if you have the ability!" Fu Weixue said.

Her eyes flickered a little, even if she pretended to be at ease on the surface, in fact she couldn't help panicking.

The atmosphere of the previous two teams was already very tense. If you make a fuss like this again at this time, you don't have to think about it, you can know that the two teams are definitely going to fight.

"Don't you think this is funny?"

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Fu Weixue. He didn't think about it before, but now he only thinks that this woman is really thoughtless.

She didn't even think about how to deal with this matter once she was discovered, she just thought it out.

Now the only bargaining chip in this hand is to tell her not to call people?

Fu Weixue's heart squatted, and the slightest part of this was obviously not agreed!

"Do you think you can hide behind the Han family for a lifetime?" Fu Weixue said angrily.

"I am the elder Han, why can't I?" Baili Hongzhuang asked rhetorically.

Fu Weixue was slightly startled, but this sentence made her speechless.

If it is a Keqing pharmacist, he may be expelled directly if he makes any mistakes, but the elder and the Keqing pharmacist are different, so naturally there is no saying that the elder is expelled...

"However, I promise you." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Fu Weixue was stunned for a moment, and did not react for a moment, wondering if what Lan Yixuan said was true or false.

"You don't call people?"

"Yes." Baili Hongzhuang replied, "There is no need to call someone for the personal grievances between you and me."

Fu Weixue was overjoyed, but she didn't expect that Lan Yixuan was really stupid enough, so she dared to fight her hard with such a little strength. Isn't this looking for death?

"My enemies, I have always killed myself!"

The moment Baili Hongzhuang said this, a handful of powder had been sprayed directly on Fu Weixue.

The latter had no idea that she would make a sudden move, but the reaction speed was also extremely fast, and she dodged quickly.

While avoiding the powder, Fu Weixue suddenly felt a slight pain in his shoulder.

It wasn't until the powder dispersed that she noticed that there was a silver needle on her shoulder!

Seeing this extremely thin silver needle, her expression was a little suspicious.

"what is this?"

This thing can't be regarded as a weapon at all, it has no lethality at all.

It's the powder just now, it's very likely to be a poisonous powder, but I feel that the poisonous powder is just a cover, the real purpose is this silver needle.

"This silver needle is poisonous, and you will die soon." Baili Hongzhuang patted the powder on her hands and looked at her like this.

Fu Weixue was shocked and suspicious. On the one hand, she felt a little scared, but after thinking about Baili Hongzhuang's ability, she felt that she might be blamed.

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