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Song Lao and Fu Junxi also reacted extremely fast. After discovering that Fu Weiyi and others were walking in the direction where the previous battle took place, they called the rest of the team to leave quickly.

No matter what kind of movement came from behind, they didn't mean to stop at all.

Others just treat them as they don't want to meet Fu Weiyi and them again, after all, the relationship between the two parties is inherently bad, and they should be separated.


Han Yingying saw a familiar figure in the distance, and then a smile of joy appeared on his face.

Han Ruyue and the two were already together at this moment. After hearing Han Yingying's call, they immediately noticed them and rushed over.

"Finally found you."

Han Ruyue breathed a sigh of relief, showing a look of peace of mind.

"Kiritsu, let's go first, this place is not suitable for long stay."

Han Jingwei did not stop, and directly called them to leave first, and at the same time explained what had happened before.

Only then did the two of Han Ruyue realize that they had missed such a major event, and at the same time realized that the current atmosphere was a bit tense, and it was indeed not suitable to stay here.

However, along the way, everyone found helplessly that they had not seen the children of the Han family, and they couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

"I can't see the children of the family, I can't tell them the news, and I don't know if it's good or bad."

The good thing is that they are not here, and there is no danger for the time being. The bad thing is that they don't know the news. Once the Fu family suddenly attacked them, they might not be able to react for a while.

"Fu Weixue has fallen. They probably don't know that Fu Weixue is still alive. This news will definitely spread soon.

The children of our family are also smart, and you can understand what happened after a little thought. "Han Ruyue said.

Everyone was thinking while walking, and at the same time they also found that the difficulty of finding the baby here is far more difficult than in the world of ice and snow.

At this moment, everyone suddenly found the familiar power coming again, directly plunged into the ripples of energy.

When this force disappeared, Baili Hongzhuang suddenly realized that she was in the dark, and she looked up as a star river, full of stars, she was like walking on the horizon, the stars are full of stars, other scenery.

There was darkness under my feet, I couldn't see what kind of road I was walking, and I couldn't see anything except the stars in the sky.

"what's going on?"

Xiao Hei couldn't help being dumbfounded after seeing this scene. They had gone to many places to experience and experienced all kinds of environments, but it was the first time that they saw an environment like this one.

"Longitude and latitude?"

Baili Hongzhuang yelled, and realized that after noticing that there was no response.

"It seems that the secret realm we are in... the environment has changed again!"

The environment in front of Rao is very unfamiliar, but Baili Hongzhuang, who has had experience, soon understood what it was all about.

"I didn't expect the secret realm to change faster than before this time, and... more confusing."

In such an environment, the line of sight is greatly hindered.

Looking at the horizon, the line of sight is not obstructed, but the surroundings of me are like a black pool, I can't see the situation at all...

"This Secret Realm..." Xiao Hei thought, "There shouldn't be the possibility of finding the treasure, right?"

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