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Han Yingying gritted his teeth, obviously very angry about this, and wanted to find Fu Weixue for revenge!

Wen Lexian didn't know this at all before. The Fu family's children he met earlier just told their grudges, and kept silent about the Lingshi Mine.

From this perspective, the Han family was indeed dissatisfied with what Fu Weixue had done.

Han Jingwei didn't say much on this matter, they really fought Fu Weixue, and this guy was not dead, so it was meaningless for them to try to cover it up.

Wen Lexian also noticed the attitudes of Han Jingwei. Obviously, since the Fu family and Wen family had the idea of ​​marriage, the relationship between them has changed slightly.

Although it is unlikely that two families are directed against one family, there is also such a relationship between them vaguely.

"Where is your elder?"

Wen Rongyuan's thoughts have always been on Lan Yixuan's body. This woman's recent incidents are not trivial. In fact, it is even like a legend.

Now that Fu Weixue is missing and Lan Yixuan is not there, will there be any connection between the two?

"Our elders are gone, I don't know if Fu Weixue keeps going!" Han Yingying said angrily.

Since the Fu family dumped the pot, she naturally followed it, but she really felt that the elder's disappearance had something to do with the Fu family.

At this moment, Wen Lexian couldn't say anything.

One person from the Han family was also missing. If you really want to talk about it, it might be the work of the Fu family...


Baili Hongzhuang was immersed in her cultivation, and she only felt that even the passage of time would slow down here.

She is constantly breaking through, but she can't feel the existence of the bottleneck at all.


Improve it again!

This thought appeared in her mind, and the evocation scripture was circling quickly, and the huge energy was absorbed by her alone.

Gradually, the light blooming from this star became brighter and brighter.

Han Jingwei and others also noticed the change of the star. They thought that the star was extremely bright before, but now the light is getting brighter and brighter and you can notice it at a glance.

They just noticed something wrong with this situation.

"Look, doesn't that star look like there is a person in it?"

Han Ruyue looked at the stars on the horizon, her eyes gradually becoming serious.

The star was originally white. After a little light was shining at this moment, Ying Yingchuo could notice that there seemed to be a figure inside.

Others were also paying attention. After hearing Han Ruyue's thoughts like them, her expression could not help but changed, and many thoughts emerged in her heart.

"Could it be true that it is a person? Then why is it in this star?"

Questions and questions filled everyone's minds. This situation... simply cannot be explained!

Wen Lexian and the others were equally dumbfounded. Someone appeared on this star Li. Is there always someone here, or did other cultivators enter this star?

Both Han Jingwei and Wen Lexian were smart people, and suddenly an idea came up after a little thought.

"Could this be the chance of this secret realm?"

No one had thought about this before, because they had never thought that they would have a chance to enter the stars, but now it seems that their thinking is too narrow, and they have never thought about this possibility before?

At this moment, everyone's minds became active, thinking about how to get in?

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