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He has no other bargaining chips now, once he is found by Di Beichen, that guy will not care about brotherhood at all.

When the time comes, he will undoubtedly die!

There is not even a chance for reincarnation, forever dissipating in this world.

He must not let this happen!

Everyone quickly knelt to the ground, shivering.

Recently, because the Devil Emperor has recovered more and more places, they have been forced to hide more and more remotely, and the fourth princes have become more and more angry.

Once it makes him unhappy, it is very likely that his life will not be saved.

At this time, a man walked in quickly.

"His Royal Highness, I have something to tell you."

The fourth prince turned his eyes to look at the incoming person, raised his hand to let the others go down, and said: "What's the matter?"

"His Royal Highness, our people have discovered that the Devil Emperor recently sent Xiang Yueze to pay attention to the cultivators who have soared up from the demon domain."

Hearing that, the eyes of the four princes changed, as if they had expected something in an instant.

"Speak carefully."

"No one noticed this. The whole process was very hidden, but it happened to be noticed by our people.

We sent a lot of people to the fairyland. With their strength, it would not be difficult to find a person in the fairyland, but after so long without any movement, we wondered if it might not be in the fairyland at all. "

"So we paid attention to the ascending people, and found that Xiang Yueze had contact with them, and found a woman named Lan Yixuan among them."

The man took out a portrait and handed it to the fourth prince.

"It is said that this woman is extremely beautiful, and everyone who has seen it is unforgettable. The subordinates think that she may be the person that His Highness is looking for.

The four princes took the portrait, and after a closer look, he immediately confirmed that the person in the scroll was exactly what he was looking for!

"She's right!"

The eyes of the four princes shone brightly, and at this moment all the things they didn't understand were understood.

No wonder that Emperor Beichen was not in a hurry to go to Xianyu, and he still had the heart to compete with him here. It turned out that the key point was here.

Baili Hongzhuang had already come to Xianyu, so he was not in a hurry.

"Di Beichen is really hidden deep enough, allowing her to stay in a family, except for Xiang Yueze, no one in the magic palace has contact.

If it's not that you happened to meet, I'm afraid no one will find out. "

The four princes looked dark, but the corners of their lips raised a triumphant smile.

Di Beichen has been arrogant for so long, now it's time to reverse.

"Go get me back Baili Hongzhuang!"

As long as he catches this woman, Di Beichen will definitely be in a dilemma.

At that time, if he pays the price for a woman again, the people in the demon world will be very disappointed.

Even if he chooses to give up, this incident is enough to hurt him!

"Yes, Your Highness!" the man replied, and then said again: "According to our investigation, this woman is now renamed Lan Yixuan, and she has disappeared in the secret selection this time.

She should still be in that secret realm, not the Han family. "

"Then go to the secret realm and catch this woman back." The fourth prince waved his hand, his eyes filled with the light of determination, "No matter what, you must bring this woman back to see me, understand?"

"Subordinates obey!"


In the secret realm, three groups of people have entered one after another, and these people have a purpose-to find Baili Hongzhuang!

The four princes were also cautiously hiding from others to enter this secret realm. If they were to change into the secret realm on weekdays, it would be no easy task to enter this guarded secret realm.

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