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Baili Hongzhuang looked at Xiao Hei's serious look and understood that this was not a joke, and subconsciously touched his face.

"My face has changed again?"

Before she broke through into the Demon Realm, her appearance has changed a bit. After Xiao Hei's reminder, she also looked in the mirror herself, which was indeed slightly different from the past.

In fact, the changes are not particularly big, but some subtle changes make her whole person's temperament different.

It seems that during this period of breakthrough, she has made some changes.

Thinking of this, she took out a mirror and looked at her appearance.

Sure enough, he immediately discovered his own difference.

"The appearance of this recovery should be related to my previous life..." Baili Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows slightly, and then smiled, "In this way, my previous life is also a beauty!"

Xiao Hei: "???" Although it is true.

I have always felt that being able to grow into a master like this is already a face that is against the sky, and I can't imagine someone who can grow so beautiful without seeing it in person.

Now that I see the changes in the appearance of my owner, I can't help but sigh that the owner of the previous life is truly an overwhelming country.

"Master, you said that your past life was not a disaster for a beauty, right?"

An idea suddenly appeared in Xiao Hei's mind. The owner said before that he had never thought of everything in the previous life, which proved that something unhappy must have happened in the previous life.

Such a big beauty can know without thinking about it, and it will definitely not worry about money. I am afraid it is a matter of emotion.

The roots of troubles.

This word is really possible.

Baili Hongzhuang was startled slightly, Xiao Hei's words really gave her some hints.

Maybe... the unhappiness in the previous life is really related to this.

After all, if there is no corresponding strength, it is really dangerous to hold such a face.

Xiao Hei couldn't help but sigh, "This should be a sweet trouble, right? But I can guarantee that many girls want to experience such troubles."

Baili Hongzhuang chuckled lightly, and did not think too much about this.

"How long have we been here? Do you know?"

She has been immersed in cultivation, and at first she was paying attention to the passage of time. Later, all her thoughts were put on cultivation, and she did not pay attention to this.

Xiao Hei shook his head, "I didn't pay attention either."

"Fine." Baili Hongzhuang waved his hand, did not take the matter too seriously, "They must have left us, but they left a little later. It is the same as long as they go out."

She looked at the token in her hand, after entering this secret realm, the most troublesome thing was not knowing how to leave.

Because the secret realm is constantly changing, even the sense of direction cannot be determined, so the exit of the secret realm is not found.

However, the token that they brought when they came was marked with the location of the exit.

The only thing that is not certain now is whether this token is still useful after two months?

"Leave here as soon as possible." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Because there was no need to worry about other people here, she directly let Baili Yanche and others out of the Ring of Chaos.

The moment everyone saw Baili Hongzhuang, they noticed a little difference on his body.

"Red makeup, your strength has improved a lot!"

Before Wen Ziran's eyes widened, he had noticed that there would be a great improvement after the red makeup came out, but at this moment, he realized that after seeing it with his own eyes, this improvement is too great.

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