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Baili Hongzhuang originally just fooled this guy casually, anyway, this guy originally came with the determination to kill her, she naturally didn't have to be polite.

However, through the expression of this guy in front of him, it seems that he really believed her statement?

"You should know." Baili Hongzhuang continued.

As soon as he said this, the man's face instantly became gloomy, "He is so courageous, how dare he do this?"

"Before you die, somehow be a real ghost!"

Baili Hongzhuang left a sentence, no matter how complicated the other party's mood is, the attack is not slow at all.

It seems that the Fu family didn't choose the people when they came out. There are still contradictions between the two sides. He said that he was ordered to attack and kill, but the other party believed it.

If she didn't kill this guy right now, would he have to fight the guy himself after he went back?

If you really did this, it would be quite interesting.

Xiao Heiyan looked at his host just casually, and the other party really believed it, not only a little dumbfounded.

Is this also OK?

The man listened to Baili Hongzhuang's words, but he was very unwilling.

"I am willing to pay double the price, and you will kill him for me!" the man said quickly.

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang sneered, "Since I came out to take up business, naturally I couldn't be bought easily, otherwise, wouldn't my reputation be ruined?"

The man couldn't help frowning at this answer, but he was not surprised.

Every killer is like this. If the other party easily increases the price and is willing to eat and kill the employer, most people don't dare to believe them anymore.

It's just that this fact is too tricky, and the name in front of him is really strong, but the killers often have secret methods.

The other party came here prepared and had already investigated everything about him clearly, fearing that even his ultimate move was already clear to his mind.

In this case, even if the cultivation base is the same, the probability of him winning is low.

Baili Hongzhuang didn't give him too much time to think about it, anyway, he was originally nonsense.

"Boom boom!"

The two fought together, and Baili Hongzhuang realized that his judgment was correct.

This person's cultivation is on par with the men she met before, in other words, it is not her opponent.

It's just that after the man realized that he was not an opponent, he didn't want to fight at all, he just wanted to escape.

In this regard, Baili Hongzhuang could not help but feel a little helpless.

This guy is also a relatively good figure in the Fu family anyway. Why didn't he have any fighting spirit at this moment and just ran away?

In this way, her approach is a bit unworkable!

"Don't run, I'm Lan Yixuan!" Baili Hongzhuang shouted.

However, after the man heard this, he ran faster.

"He even told you the news, it's really mean!"

From the man's point of view, the other party was to make Baili Hongzhuang be able to kill him, and that's why he even said this.

In order to confuse the audience, so as to take advantage of his unprepared shots!

This is clearly a perfect solution, and you will never give up if you don't kill him!

Baili Hongzhuang: "???"

To be honest now, since no one believes it?

The child looked at this scene also with a look of shock. I didn't expect the master's nonsense to have a good effect. As for you yelling your identity at this moment, the other party has never considered the possibility of reality.


I can't help but feel a little excited when I look at it!

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