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Fuxing River is accelerating at full speed, and the speed of this rush is very fast.

In order to find Lan Yixuan, she didn't want to miss it, so her speed was deliberately slowed down. At this moment, her speed broke out and she soon reached the vicinity of the dead.

When he arrived, he saw only one corpse. The token was on the side, and there were some traces of the flare flare left on the ground.


Fu Weixue was surprised when she saw this scene. Isn't the person she saw Lan Yixuan?

With her strength, how could this person be killed?

Fu Xinghe took a closer look at the surrounding environment, "The opponent's strength is slightly higher than him, and the entire fight is very short."

From the signs of the nearby fight, we can see that the whole process is very fast, and it is not an equal fight.

"How is this possible?" Fu Weixue said hastily, "It is impossible for Lan Yixuan to have such strength at all!"

Lan Yixuan's cultivation base is weaker than her and so many small ranks, and all the people sent out this time are cultivation bases stronger than her by a large level or even more.

Even if there is a good chance here, it is considered good to be able to break through two small grades. How can he be killed by crossing so many grades?

"Will she summon a very powerful monster?" Fu Xinghe asked.

Summoning monsters, this is a method that exists in the legend and they have never heard of it.

If Lan Yixuan can summon a very powerful monster, let alone this person, even he is just as dangerous.

Fu Weixue shook her head subconsciously, "If she can summon a very powerful one, we would have died that day, and there is no need for the Han family to help.

In my opinion, the beasts she can summon should be limited by her own cultivation base, and should be slightly stronger than her strength. "

Hearing, Fu Xinghe was relieved now, and the traces around here did not seem to have appeared before.

"Then what's going on?"

Fu Weixue couldn't believe that Lan Yixuan could improve her cultivation so much in such a short period of time, it was simply impossible!

"Naturally it is impossible for her to do it herself." Fu Xinghe said.

"That's it?" Fu Weixue asked in confusion.

"This time we sent someone in to find her. The Han family should have the same plan as us. She should be lucky and meet the Han family first."

The people from the two families came in at about the same time. The competition was originally about speed, to see who could find Lan Yixuan faster.

It now appears that the Han family's luck is better than them, and they found her one step earlier than them.

Fu Weixue understood it immediately, although she still felt unhappy, but as long as she knew that Lan Yixuan had such strength, her mood would be much better.

While the two were talking, the other members of the Fu family had already arrived one after another.

Fu Xinghe looked at seven people besides him, and then looked at the tokens in his hand, and found that the tokens that were farther away were all unmoved now, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

Others also reacted at this moment, and there were twelve fewer. Those guys who hadn't rushed over must have died.

Three of them were originally worried that the two who were killed by them would be held accountable by Fu Xinghe, but they did not expect to die so many directly at this time, then the two they solved... They can also refuse to admit it and shirk the responsibility. It will be fine.

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