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Since making the decision to seize the house, she felt that Lan Yixuan's face already belonged to her.

After waiting for such a long time, all of this belonged to her with only one step. She didn't expect that the Han family would ruin the plan like this. She really hates it!

If their full twenty people are here, even if the Han family arrives, they will not be afraid.

"This time the family is still not paying enough attention to this matter. There are really too few people who come. If they can come more, they won't be to this point now." Fu Weixue said angrily.

"It's useless to say these now."

Fu Xinghe was also thinking about how many people the Han family had sent this time. They had sent twenty people this time, but they had already taken it seriously.

However, he was cracked one by one by the other party!

If he went back without gain in this way, and lost so many people, he would also be difficult to explain.

"Hide somewhere else to see the situation. If there are not many people from the Han family, we might still have a chance."

In the case of the talents, they weren't unable to help Lan Yixuan and the others, but worried that the Han family would appear.

If there were no such scruples, they would definitely be able to take it away.

When Fu Weixue heard this, there was a little hope in her eyes.

As long as she didn't just give up and leave like this, she would feel at ease, maybe the Han family didn't pay much attention to this matter at all!

However, just as they evacuated, a group of people arrived suddenly.

"She was right!"

After seeing Lan Yixuan, this group of people in black suddenly brightened their eyes, full of excitement.

Everyone in the Fu family had originally thought it was someone from the Han family who had arrived, but they looked at these people in front of them as strangers, and they looked vigilant one by one, and were prepared that the other party might attack them at any time.

"I didn't expect the Han family to do this thing more concealed than us. These people can't see any relationship with the Han family at all."

Fu Xinghe's face was a bit ugly. He had already known that the Han family would arrive before, but these guys were aggressive, and they looked much better than the Han family they usually saw.

The most important thing is that he can perceive that these people's cultivation bases are much better than them!

"The Han family has such a background!"

This idea came up in everyone's mind!

On weekdays, their three families often work together to do something. I originally thought that the Han family was slightly stronger than them, but it was not too strong.

But at this moment, looking at these people in front of me, I suddenly realized how strong these people are. What the Han family usually shows is not their true strength at all, they are all hidden!

Everyone sighed. If this is the real strength of the Han family, being able to send so many people this time means that there may be more people.

Now, coupled with how Lan Yixuan is a genius alchemist, as soon as the two kinds of alchemy come out, the cultivation resources of the Han family will be enriched in a short time, and then I am afraid that no one can compare with them.

"All of them are old yin goods, hidden deeper than anyone else!" Fu Xinghe couldn't help cursing, his mood was extremely heavy, and it would be difficult for him to leave at this moment.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her, her eyes cleared with a little surprise, and she subconsciously looked at the Han family beside her.

"Are they here with you?"

The man shook his head blankly, "No, I don't know them."

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