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"These people in black are also the Fu family's team?"

The third elder was the elder leading the team this time, because he guessed that Fu Xinghe might lead the team himself, and just sending other people, this evil force might fall into a disadvantage, so he was responsible for leading the team.

The man next to Baili Hongzhuang shook his head quickly, "They are another group of people, and they don't know who they are."

Baili Hongzhuang saw that everyone had arrived, but the things that were originally pleasant were not happy at the moment.

At this moment, I am afraid that not only she can't run away, but other people may be affected.

Hearing, the three elders are even more puzzled, isn't this secret realm of their three families?

How can there be a group of people they don't know?

This will make even Fu Xinghe on the side unworthy of being noticed, because these people are not simple, they are very strong!

Incredibly strong!

These people are also absolutely terrifying in the Demon Realm. Although their three families have some reputations in this area, they obviously do not belong to the same circle as the people in front of them.

What did their elders do before? How could you provoke such a group of people?

"Elder Han San, it seems that you don't know who you were before the Elder Elder!"

Fu Xinghe looked at his confused appearance and couldn't help mocking.

If it hadn't been for the Han family to make troubles, they had already controlled Lan Yixuan, and the other pill had already fallen into their hands, how could so many things happen later?

Elder Han San's expression is also a bit complicated. These people in black look hard to deal with, or are they coming for their elders?

"Elder Elder, what is going on?"

Baili Hongzhuang hesitated and didn't know what to do at the moment.

Once captured by these people, you can imagine your own situation, but in this situation, even if you don't want to be captured, it's probably difficult.

"It's a long story..." Baili Hongzhuang said solemnly, "They are very strong, so let's go first."

The Han family treated her well, and she didn't want to hurt them either.

Elder Han San frowned, "How can this be done? You are now the elder of our family. If you are allowed to be arrested like this, how will we explain when we go back?"

The Young Master had previously ordered that the Elder Elder should be brought back no matter what.

If she doesn't go back, then no one else has to go back.

They won't go back if they haven't found the Elder Elder. Now they have found the Elder Elder. If they leave like this, they will have no way of explaining when they go back.

From the day when Lan Yixuan became the elder of their family, she was not an outsider, but the Han family.

Fu Xinghe didn't know what Lan Yixuan and Elder Han San said, but he was even more curious about what kind of identity Lan Yixuan was and what secrets were hidden behind it?

"Father, these people seem to be taking Lan Yixuan?"

Fu Weixue was a little anxious, and finally found her. If someone else took her away at this moment, wouldn't they have no chance?

Fu Xinghe knew Fu Weixue's thoughts, so he wasn't in a hurry at the moment.

"This incognito Lan Yixuan has attracted such a group of people to come to her. You have to figure out her identity first.

If she caused a major disaster, then this matter would be troublesome. "

"Maybe... You took her away, and even lost your life!"

Hearing, Fu Weixue's expression changed, only then realized the seriousness of the matter.

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