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Emperor Beibei asked for a wrapped silk turtle soup, a Qingling bear bone and a grilled ice cold fish. The smell of the monster meat is much better than the livestock.

"When the beast meat is cooked, it is full of energy and energy. After taking it, it has great benefits for bone blood. Eat more."

The hundred-mile red makeup dagger is light, and the monster meat is the food. Every time the monster meat in the restaurant is always robbed by everyone, and the price is extremely high.

The farther away from the Wicked Mountain Range, the rarer the beast meat is.

Fortunately, this **** abyss is surrounded by monsters, and there are many monsters here. As long as the strength is strong enough, hunting is obviously not a difficult thing.

Soon, this dish came out, and the price of the blood of the abyss of the abyss was also high, but the weight was very good.

After a sip of the red makeup, I couldn't help but sigh. This taste is really good. After eating this monster meat, I only feel the heat of the internal organs, and the energy in the animal meat is absorbed.

Xiaohei, Xiaobai and Baishi have long been coveted. This kind of delicious food has few chances to eat on weekdays!

The three beasts immediately sat on the table and smashed in disregard of the image.

At the beginning, everyone noticed the three red monsters and the three beasts around the emperor. Although they were a bit strange, they never went too far.

After all, in this **** abyss, geeks are everywhere, normal people are the real geeks here.

These three monsters look very furry and very cute. Compared to some people who have poisonous snakes and people with poisonous spiders around them, this has not brought them any shock.

After a satisfying meal, Emperor Beibei and Baili Red Makeup also walked out of the restaurant.

"At the forefront of this street, it is a place for trials, which is very dangerous."

Standing on the street, Emperor Beibei pointed to the street that could not be seen in the front, and introduced the red makeup.

"Here, is it very hot?"

The red makeup of the hundred miles is swaying, and the radiance of wisdom is shining in the clearness. She has a hunch that there is a hunch. These people are so dressed, I am afraid that they have a certain relationship with the trial on the other side of the street.

"Yose, you are so smart."

Emperor Beibei sighed and sighed. I didn't expect to have just had a meal. The Baili red makeup analyzed so many things. This observation is very difficult.

"Yes, the one on the street is a very magical place. After you get out of the blood gas tower test, we will go to the trial here again."

"Okay." The red makeup is no longer asking, there will always be a **** here.

Emperor Beibei and Bailihong makeup returned to the inn together, and the three beasts and the beasts were all smiling with satisfaction. This is really awesome.

After returning to the inn, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei also restored their original appearance.

"Yangzi, Song Mingjie, the guy will come to you tonight." Emperor Beibei slowly screamed, and there was a trace of worry in Junhao.

He understands the strength of red makeup. If Song Mingjie is confronted with red makeup, he will not worry.

However, Song Mingjie's sinister and cunning generations will not be able to fight against each other. Some of the methods of doing so are really hard to prevent.

"North, you can rest assured, I can handle it."

The red lips of the hundred-mile makeup evoke a confident smile, and she will let Song Mingjie enjoy it today.

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