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"Did you specifically ask? You still can't let go of her?"

Di Shengge frowned and suddenly felt that he really couldn't understand Beichen now.

In fact, when she came back from Beichen this time, her mood was slightly complicated. Although Beichen was cold-tempered at the beginning, they grew up together and they were more familiar after all.

Now Beichen has returned after a thousand years, and with the memory of this life, although he has recalled the previous events, it is a little different from before.

She didn't understand what Bei Chen had experienced in this life, but she was sure that it was not easy to walk this way. It was just that she hadn't seen each other for so long, and coupled with her strong opposition at the beginning, the relationship between the two became much more distant.

Now that we meet again, this feeling of strangeness is even stronger.

She has always been thinking about how to bring them closer, but it is not that simple to get closer, and now with the addition of Baili Hongzhuang, the relationship is naturally more complicated.

"I have seen Liu Yunzi." Di Beichen said.

As soon as this remark came out, Di Shengge couldn't help being taken aback, his eyes filled with incredible color.

"Have you seen her? How is it possible?"

However, Di Beichen's expression was very calm, "I met her and Li Mo before when I was in Xianyu, but Li Mo didn't recognize me at the time."

Seeing the man's serious expression, Di Shengge knew in his heart that he had never had a habit of joking.

Now that he said that, it is true in all likelihood.

"Then Baili Hongzhuang was by your side?"

"Nature." Di Beichen said, "not only in the fairyland, I have also been to the gods."

Di Shengge's eyes widened, "What did you say?"

"At that time, I strayed into a secret realm in Xianyu. There was a passage between the God Realm and the Demon Realm. Hong Zhuang and I accidentally went to the God Realm, but only after staying for a while we have already returned.

At that time Liu Yunzi was already with Li Mo, and the two went to many places together, which I saw with my own eyes. "

Seeing that Di Beichen talked about all this without any waves, it was clear that all this did not arouse any mood swings in him, and Di Shengge even couldn't react for a while.

It seems that he really doesn't care about Liu Yunzi?

Could it be that after so many years, he really forgot everything before?

Di Shengge didn't doubt what Di Beichen said. In fact, she had heard the news from the God Realm during this period of time, but she had never said it.

All of what Di Beichen said coincided with what she had learned.

"So, what you like now is Baili Hongzhuang, not Liu Yunzi anymore?" Di Shengge said solemnly, "If you see her again, your mind will really not change?"

"You might as well hope that Liu Yunzi will get married soon. Those people in the God Realm have nothing to do with me. I only want red makeup. Do you understand?"

Di Shengge quietly looked at the man in front of him, and finally no longer doubted what he said. Does he really care about Liu Yunzi, and hope she gets married soon?

Such words, if they didn't really think so, Bei Chen would definitely not say it.

"I understand."

Di Shengge nodded, and at the same time he was relieved.

"That's good."

"The point that you are most worried about has been resolved, and now I hope I won't bother Hong Zhuang again. Whether it is Cao Cha or Bei Mingxue, or even other people you like, I will not be interested."

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