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What Beichen said to her last night could not help but came to mind, and his heart became more tender.

Obviously he has done so many things for himself, and when any woman knows these things, he will be touched, but he didn't mention them, and told her not to leave.

This guy really doesn't know what he thinks.

"Sister-in-law, your smile is too sweet! I can't stand it anymore!"

Di Wumei smiled, "I understand why the Di Brother would like you so much. You smile like this. As a woman, my heart is soothed, let alone a man."

Such a stunner in the world, there is no man who can refuse, she looks at such a smile and feels that she is willing to do everything, let alone the emperor brother.

Baili Hongzhuang narrowed his smile a little, and said, "You can laugh at me. I have already told Beichen that your marriage to Gong Jun will soon be on the agenda.

Marry you out at that time and see how you laugh at me! "

"Really?" Di Wumei's eyes widened, her expression unable to conceal her joy.

"Even if you want to marry, you should cover it up anyway?" Baili Hongzhuang teased.

"Sister-in-law!" Di Wu Mei Qiao blushed, "You still tease me!"

"You and Gong Jun had nothing to hinder this marriage. They have liked each other for so many years. If it weren't for Beichen's failure to come back all these years, you might have been married a long time ago, and you even have children."

"Now is a good time to get married. We will help you arrange all of this. When you choose a good day, we will arrange the marriage."

"Thank you sister-in-law!"

Di Wumei was overjoyed, and when she thought of the wife who could become the eldest brother Gong, she felt so happy in her heart.

For such a long time, Brother Gong did not accept her intentions and avoided her every time. She was sad many times, but never gave up.

She always felt that one day she would become the wife of Brother Gong, and now all of this is really going to come true.

"It should be."

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, and couldn't help thinking of Han Chenyang. When she was in the Demon Realm, Han Chenyang helped her a lot.

Without Han Chenyang, everything would not go so smoothly.

He originally agreed to take care of them after he came to the Demon Realm, especially when the barrier between the God Realm and the Demon Realm was opened.

After she went to the Fu's house, she originally wanted to find the elder who had ascended to the Demon Realm that Han Chenyang said, but then there were so many things that happened to the Fu's house, and she was delayed unconsciously.

Now that he has returned to the Devil's Palace, these things can't be broken, and everything that should be done must be done well.

Thinking of this, she directly ordered the matter.

Just let her find it by herself, I'm afraid she doesn't know when to find it, but the people in the magic palace will get the result soon after checking.

"Dancing charm, do you know how long this enchantment can last?" Baili Hongzhuang asked curiously.

"Sister-in-law, are you talking about the barrier between us and the God Realm?" Di Wumei lost his thoughts, "I heard from Brother Gong before that the speed of the barrier breaking is accelerating now, compared to what was previously expected. The situation is much faster.

If there were no accidents, the enchantment might be broken in two months. "

"So fast?" Baili Hongzhuang was a little surprised, this speed was much faster than she thought.

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