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Gong Jun's eyes were serious, in fact, identities like the Devil Emperor and the others had already achieved immortality.

Therefore, the biggest consequence is to fall into reincarnation.

Because of the existence of Heaven's Punishment, the more powerful a person will be punished after falling into reincarnation.

Just as the boss has fallen into reincarnation in these years, his life experience has always been miserable, and he has suffered from human suffering since he was a child.

Under such circumstances, it would be as difficult to ascend to the sky. This is why everyone knows that the emperor is still alive, and thinks that he may never come back.

This level of difficulty is really as difficult as the sky.

If the God Realm punishes the sister-in-law, the most severe punishment is to fall into reincarnation.

"The goddess has a high status in the God Realm. Although this matter has been resolutely opposed, since they have taken her back, there should be no such severe punishment unless something happens later."

Di Beichen analyzed it carefully. In fact, the people on their side of the Demon Realm didn't know the original situation.

If there is one person who might know, then only Mo Yunjue.

Because Mo Yunjue's sister, the goddess, knew the goddess, the reason why Mo Yunjue knew the goddess was also because of the goddess.

It is also interesting. Mo Yunjue's temperament is very cold. He doesn't make friends at all on weekdays. Being alone is his style.

In this way, he had become friends with the goddess of the gods. When he heard the news, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Tiannv and Mo Yunjue have known each other for a long time, and the relationship between the two is very good. After all, they can rarely become Mo Yunjue's friends. This has proved the difference.

After such a big thing happened, Yun Jue would definitely go back to ask the goddess about her situation, and he would most likely know the reason for this.

He chose to fall into reincarnation in a good manner, and this is also a problem.

"It's a pity that Yun Jue wouldn't say it." Di Beichen's eyes were complicated, and he was a little helpless for his second brother. This guy just wouldn't say anything, so you can't take him.

Gong Jun saw the troubles of Emperor Beichen, and sighed secretly in his heart.

There was no secret between the eldest and sister-in-law, and they could be honest about each other no matter what it was.

But now because I can't figure out my sister-in-law's thoughts and worry about losing her at any time, I have never dared to mention it.

Although the sister-in-law was very generous and didn't care about what happened to the boss before, how could she not care about it if she really likes someone?

In fact, the boss didn't want to tell his sister-in-law about this, but he was really worried.

"Boss, in fact, I think even if the God Realm punishes his sister-in-law, it shouldn't be such a severe punishment." Gong Jun thought.

Di Beichen's eyes condensed slightly, "You mean..."

"Could it be your sister-in-law who chose after she knew you had fallen into reincarnation?" Gong Jun said.

In fact, after this incident happened, he thought about this possibility.

He had met his sister-in-law at that time and felt that the sister-in-law was sincere to the boss.

To be honest, I know how big a storm I will face after being together, but I still choose to be together.

If it weren't true, then the sister-in-law would not have agreed from the very beginning, but later did not know what the God Realm had said before this change would happen.

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