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"Perhaps the Devil Emperor hasn't found her yet." Li Mo slowly said, "The aura that had been displayed in her body was only a short while ago, and then it disappeared.

Perhaps the Devil Emperor did not find out, she just happened to be living in the Demon Realm. "

Seeing Li Mo's self-comforting appearance, Qu Shang didn't know whether he should expose the truth.

"Limo, you have to think carefully about it yourself.

If the current one is the goddess, then everyone is happy, but if the current one is not, as you said, the one in the Demon Realm is true.

There are only two results. "

"In the first type, the Devil Emperor has completely lost his heart to the Goddess after experiencing the previous things. Whether she is in the Demon Realm or not, he doesn't care at all.

The second is that he still likes goddess, so no matter whether the memory of goddess is restored or not, if he pursues with his identity and conditions, which woman do you think will not be tempted? "

Qu Shang's expression is complicated. He has seen the Devil Emperor, the man standing proudly, with his own aura, and his every move is full of dignity.

From the moment he saw that man, he knew that it was not surprising that the goddess would like him.

He is like a born king, watching all sentient beings. His powerful aura makes him look at him and he can't help being shocked, and it is the dream of countless women to be such a man's woman.

If the goddess restores her memory, then she may still struggle a bit, if she does not restore her memory, then she doesn't even have to think about the result.

No woman can resist such a man, the devil Emperor is so infatuated, who can resist it?

Nowadays, it seems that there are many possibilities, but in fact, after thinking about it, there is no other possibility.

Li Mo didn't know what to say at this moment. He didn't expect that the final analysis turned out to be such a result that he couldn't accept.

If all of this is true, it means that things that happened a thousand years ago are likely to repeat themselves.

Until then, what should we do?

"Maybe it's just that I'm not good at it, maybe it's..."

Li Mo left in despair, these possibilities are all small chances, just as Qu Shang said that the possibility is the real big possibility.

Once it is true, none of them can accept such a situation.

The magic palace.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that the barrier between the God Realm and the Devil Realm seems to have suddenly become a bit firmer. The barrier that was supposed to be broken next month seems to take a little longer."

After receiving the news, Di Wumei quickly told Baili Hongzhuang that her sister-in-law seemed to be more concerned about this matter.

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang frowned slightly, her expression filled with surprise.

"How did it suddenly change?"

"I don't know. In fact, it should have been at this speed, but I didn't know what was going on before, and suddenly it speeded up."

Di Wumei shook her head. She can only know the results of these things, and she is completely unclear about the reasons behind them.

"I don't understand either." Baili Hongzhuang waved her hand and smiled, "In fact, it doesn't matter when it is broken."

She had been to the God Realm, where the only thing she cared about was Immortal Monarch Wangyun and the senior brothers and sisters, but now they are in two planes, seeing them again in her capacity may not be a joyous thing.

After all, there was originally some enmity between the two planes, even if the barrier was opened, the relationship between the two parties would not be much better.

Therefore, it is not a bad thing that the barrier is not opened.

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