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Baili Hongzhuang quickly realized this, and then recalled what happened before. The last time she mentioned that she had recovered a little memory of her previous life, Bei Chen behaved very strangely.

Seems to be afraid of her leaving?

At that time, Bei Chen gave her the same feeling, even though she had already said that she would not leave, Bei Chen still seemed to be uneasy.

"Does this mean that I also know Beichen in my previous life?"

Baili Hongzhuang murmured to himself that there is only one possibility to combine all these situations.

"But isn't the person that Beichen liked in the past life a goddess? What does it have to do with me?"

Baili Hongzhuang was lost in thought, and the goddess had already appeared in the God Realm, and what kind of existence did her existence serve in the relationship between their previous lives?

Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's analysis, Xiao Hei couldn't help but change a bit.

"Master, shouldn't you like the male host in the previous life, and then the male host only has the goddess in his heart. You are not convinced, so you attack the goddess, and you are found out, and then you are cracked?"

Its eyes widened, and after thinking about it, there was only this possibility left.

"Because you died in the hands of the male host in your previous life, the male host now thinks of the previous things and is worried that you will hate him when you think of it!

It must be so, otherwise the male host wouldn't be so anxious. "

Baili Hongzhuang was stunned. She really hadn't thought about this possibility before, but at this moment, after Xiao Hei said this, she suddenly felt that there was such a possibility.

Judging from the current situation, Bei Chen probably already knew who she was in her previous life, so he had no reason not to tell her.

The only reason is that there may have been some problems in their previous life, or that she lost her life because of Beichen, so Beichen would worry that she would be angry in this life.

"Xiao Hei, I didn't think your brain was so flexible before!"

Baili Hongzhuang was surprised, she was still thinking about what kind of possibility existed before, but Xiao Hei's words were simply initiating.

Xiao Hei did speak out his conjecture, but his expression became more complicated after speaking.

"Master, are you angry then?"

If this is the case, even if the hostess was also very angry in her previous life, the fate between this person is really wonderful.

Baili Hongzhuang spread out his hands, with a complex expression, "Anyway, it's already a matter of a previous life, why do you think so much?

Everyone in the world says that knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is no way to be good. What happened in the past is irreversible, and that can't offset Beichen's goodness to me in this life. "

With that, Baili Hongzhuang was hesitating again. If she only lost her life because of it, it would be fine if she didn't care, but would this matter still involve her family, right?

"If it's just me, it shouldn't involve other people, right?"

Now she has not recovered her memory, but from what she has learned before, there must have been some pain in her previous life that she could not bear, otherwise she would not always be reluctant to remember everything before.

Xiao Hei's expression changed. He had never thought of this before. If that is the case, then things will be complicated...

"Probably not..." Xiao Hei suddenly felt that he had said something wrong, and this result was really terrible!

Baili Hongzhuang was lost in thought, and she couldn't judge all of this. It was originally not easy just relying on blind guessing.

To know all this, Bei Chen had to tell her in person.

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