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"It seems that the trial of this blood tower is limiting our shots, only the masters themselves solve the battle."

Xiaobai slowly sounded, and the shining big eyes shone with wise light.

They have also seen such a ban, so it is not surprising.

However, the level of this prohibition is not low, and the prohibition of the blood gas tower has proved that the blood gas tower is not simple.

"The master's combat power is very strong. This trial does not require us to intervene."

The white lions seem to be very indifferent. They have all seen the master's fighting power. Although the four bronzes will be in trouble when they first came into contact, the master has now begun to turn things around.


A sound of a blast suddenly sounded, and then the three beasts found that one of the bronzers had shattered under the fist of the red makeup!

Without a bronze man, the color of confidence in the eyes of the red-brown makeup is even worse.

When she first played against these bronzes, she only felt that the power of these bronzes was very abnormal, and they could not feel the pain.

Just this is the point, she has suffered a loss, but she also found that playing with these bronze people is a good opportunity to exercise hand-to-hand combat.

Because if these four bronzes are taken out, it is a very powerful melee master!

The red makeup that understands this is no longer eager to win, and improving your combat skills is the most crucial.

As time went by, the practitioners around the blood tower looked at their own judgment.

Even if the red makeup has entered the trial area, there is no practitioner left here.

Because, they all want to know if the red makeup can pass the trial.

If the Baili red makeup is tested after ten wins, it is truly shocking.

However, everyone present is hoping that Bailihong makeup will not pass the trial successfully, which is a great comfort to them.

"In my opinion, this hundred-mile red makeup is definitely impossible to pass the trial. The time has passed so long. She has not appeared yet. It is a failure to be embarrassed."

"Yeah, it’s really whimsical to want to breathe through trials and how difficult it is."

"Wait a minute, there will be a joke in a moment."

Seeing the red makeup of Baili has not come out for a long time, everyone is more and more convinced that their judgment is not wrong.

After all, they have also seen practitioners who have passed this trial, and it does not take such a long time if they pass smoothly.

For a time, everyone regained the appearance of laziness and liberation before, but no one was fighting on the martial arts.

Although they are doing their own things and pretending to be casual, their eyes still fall from the door of the trial area from time to time, and they want to know when the red makeup will come out.

This is only the first time that the blood gas field has appeared so many practitioners waiting to know the results of a practitioner's trial.

However, if everyone knows that the red makeup is just the object of practice in the trial area, it should be fainted directly.

The hundred-mile red makeup completely regarded the bronze people as the object of trial, and she also had some inspiration from the way these bronze people fought.

After the inspiration, she immediately showed it out, but the power of the shot was not very strong, and the copper people were not completely blown up!

Finally, after knowing the number of roads of the other three bronzes, the red makeup no longer hesitated and ended the battle.

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