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Ke Yiheng couldn't help but curse secretly when he noticed Yang Yunji's actions. This guy is a flatterer!

In the alchemy hall before, many people doubted whether what the empress said was true or not. In all likelihood, they pretended to be in order to maintain face.

Yang Yunji, an old guy who is always treacherous and cunning, has never expressed his position, but he did not expect that he would be the first to go to the empress.

However, when he heard Baili Hongzhuang's address to Yang Yunji, his face changed slightly, revealing an incredible color.

How could Baili Hongzhuang call him that?

As an emperor, you should understand what this name means.

Yang Yunji has always been only the deputy hall master, not the hall master, but at this moment in front of so many people, she suddenly said such words, and then undoubtedly began to announce the next result.

Is this palace master about to be handed over to Yang Yunji?

Yang Yunji couldn't help but stunned when he heard the name Baili Hongzhuang. Originally, he wondered if the empress might have said it wrong, but he didn't dare to say anything after thinking about it for a moment.

After all, whether the empress made it unintentionally or deliberately, it is not what he should ask now.

After the harsh final punishment comes out, naturally he will know the result.

The eyes of other people present could not help but change a bit, but no one could figure out Baili Hongzhuang's thoughts.

The Empress had rarely participated in the affairs of the Devil's Palace before. All matters were handled by the Devil Emperor. Only this time did she appear at the alchemy conference, saying that she didn't know the situation very well, but it could be justified.

It's just that everyone is more inclined to Ka Yiheng and it is impossible to continue to serve as the master of this palace.

At this moment, many people have already begun to think about the next way to deal with it in their minds.

All of them are a community of interests. After all these years of staying in the alchemy hall for so long, they have a certain relationship after all.

They had already felt that being strict and constant was a big deal, but as long as they didn't find too much mistakes, the Devil Emperor's style would not directly obliterate everything before him, at least there was no problem in living decently.

It's just that no one thought that after today's emergence, it would be a great problem, and everything would become completely different.

For a while, Yang Yunji also became the sweet pastry in everyone's eyes. It seems that they will have to get closer to Yang Yunji in the future.

Before, no one knew how the Devil Emperor arranged it, and whether he would directly select a palace master. Now it seems that although the situation that Ke Yiheng is facing will be bad, it seems that Yang Yunji has not been affected at all...

Time passed unknowingly, and Baili Hongzhuang passed this assessment and also captured the status of many people in their eyes.

Not only the savvy of the alchemists on the high platform, but also the alchemists in the alchemy hall.

Some pharmacists have always focused on handling this relationship, while some pharmacists are seriously thinking about the problem. It can be seen that their minds are more focused on alchemy.

In fact, for a pharmacist, the level of alchemy is the most important. Only by constantly improving oneself and having certain requirements for oneself can they go further and further on this road.

However, many people have been thinking about fighting back and forth all day, how can they maximize their own interests, but they have forgotten their original intention of becoming a pharmacist.

She has seen too many alchemists, in many situations, but these greed-for-profit people have never been among her choices.

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