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Almost at the same time, all the men present stood up and expressed their willingness to sell for the blood rose.

Because the style of blood roses can't be stopped, it is more and more difficult for people to harvest blood roses in these years.

Now that the blood rose is open again, they naturally cannot miss this opportunity.

The women on the second floor of the entire blood gas tower also showed an envious look after seeing this scene. If one day, they can be praised by all men like blood roses, that is their biggest dream.

The blood rose enchantingly looked at the hundred-mile red makeup, and the eyebrows on the eyes were enchanting. "Do you understand now? This is the gap between you and me."

The blood rose is high on the chin, the gesture is not good, this is her charm!

In the blood tower, she is the most attractive woman, no one can compare with her.

The emergence of the hundred-mile red makeup threatened her status, and she was always rude to a woman who couldn’t see her eyes.

All women who are better than themselves, she will destroy them.

Because she is the best.

The hundred-mile red makeup glared at the arrogant blood rose in front of the eyes, and the lips were full of sneer, everyone has the pursuit of everyone.

She admits that the blood rose is indeed a woman's charm, but this does not make her envious.

On the contrary, she felt that such a blood rose was ridiculous and pathetic.

What's more, the blood rose comes to her troubles, she will naturally not be polite.

On the first floor of the blood tower, she saw a group of crazy men, and on the second floor of the blood tower, she saw a group of crazy women.

In this kind of thing, she is not willing to argue with the blood rose again, because the blood rose has already been blind, and no other can be seen.

Seeing the hundred-mile red makeup no longer said more, the blood rose only thought that the hundred-mile red makeup was afraid of himself, and his heart was more proud. He immediately smiled and said: "Is there a willingness to try for the hundred-red makeup on the stage?"

The blood rose is determined, and in front of her face, there will never be a man who will make a look for the red.

However, the blood rose sound just came out, and a low, magnetic sound rang.


The low and magnetic sound is full of charm and overbearing, and it is unforgettable to listen to this sound.

Everyone looked at the direction of this voice in unison, but they wanted to see who said this.

There was a thin anger in the eyes of the blood rose, and her mood was very bad. She wanted to see who would dare to marry her face!

However, when the blood rose sees people, it is also a moment of loss.

She has experienced a lot of experience in this life and has seen many men, but as for the noble and handsome man in front of her, she really saw it for the first time.

He was like a round of yang, and when it appeared, it attracted everyone's attention and became the focus of attention.

His honor seems to be born with it. Just standing there, it is like being high and despising everything.

She has never seen such a noble and extraordinary man, only one glance, it makes people involuntarily want to surrender.

Emperor Beibei walked to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup and stood alone, holding the shoulder of the hundred-mile red makeup directly. "I will play for her!"

The fascinating star glimmered through a sharp light. Did the woman dare to dig his wife?

His niece is the same as this kind of fat powder can be compared?

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