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"I will take care of her."

When Duan Linyu said this, he was very pious, and more serious, as if he was making the most important promise in this life.

Taking good care of Shengge is what he wants to do most in these years, but he has never had a chance.

Now that this opportunity is placed in front of him, he will definitely cherish it.

Di Shengge's heart warmed after hearing this, and the heart that had been floating now finally had a home, no longer alone.

"that's nice."

Di Wumei looked happy, but soon the smile on his face turned into distress again.

"We have all found our own happiness, but my brother and sister-in-law are not as easy as we are."

They are also very fond of people. They can be together as long as the two sides have the same mind, but the sister-in-law and the others need to face such a lot of pressure, which is really pitiful in comparison.

"Eldest sister, I understand that you don't want them to be together. Brother's approach is indeed a bit headstrong, without considering the overall situation, but have you ever thought that even after experiencing reincarnation, your eldest brother still has only his sister-in-law? This is evil. Prove that this relationship is irreplaceable for them.

Because they are irreplaceable, even if they face great difficulties, they still choose to move on. "

"We have all found someone we like, and we can want to stay together happily in the future. My brother is our relative. At this time, shouldn't we support him?"

Di Wumei couldn't hide the distressed look in his eyes, "Before the sister-in-law appeared, although his brother had arranged everything properly and became the most powerful Devil Emperor, he was not happy at all.

We were not able to help our brother through this difficulty at the beginning, and now there is an opportunity to appear in front of us again, shouldn't we try our best to help them? "

She knows that her elder sister has always been more mature than her, and has more worries than her, but after experiencing so many things, she really only hopes that her eldest brother can live happily.

As for the side, it is not important.

When Di Shengge listened to the words of Di Wumei, she fell into silence. She was also thinking about this issue before.

What Bei Chen said gave her too much shock and touch. She has always had a clear conscience in her work, but now she has misunderstood a girl for so many years.

Because of her attitude, many people around her have a bad impression of the goddess.

Now that all this happened, she should really think about the attitude she should have.

"Dancing charm, you go back first, I want to be quiet."

Di Wumei nodded when she saw this. Before leaving, she couldn't help but said again: "Eldest sister, although you have never liked your sister-in-law, sister-in-law knows that you misunderstand her so deeply, but she still tries her best to let you have it. happy.

Think about it for her too, how difficult it is for her. "

With the departure of Di Wumei, Di Shengge heard her words but couldn't recover for a long time.

She still remembers what Baili Hongzhuang said when she was looking for her. Given the relationship between the two, if they were not in Beichen on weekdays, they would not be willing to meet each other at all.

But because she was worried that she would miss it like this, she was the first to inform her of the news before Bei Chen arrived.

From this point, it is enough to see that she really hopes that she can seize this last chance...

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