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When the red makeup came out of the ring of chaos, it was found that the opposite red makeup had disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the hundred-mile red makeup phoenix is ​​also a touch of surprise, and then a smile is revealed.

It seems that her guess is not wrong, the effect of the ring of chaos is really that the blood gas tower can not be simulated.

Baili red makeup looked around, since she has passed this final assessment, I don't know where the inheritance of this blood tower is?

Just as the hundred-year-old red makeup thought about how to get the inheritance, suddenly, a **** light ball appeared in the center of the hall.

The **** light ball is mixed with a little bit of gold, bright and bright, with a fascinating breath.

The black phoenix phoenix flashes bright light, and the red makeup slowly approaches the light ball.

Obviously, this light ball should be the inheritance of the blood gas tower!

The red makeup stretched out his hand toward the ball of light. Just the moment the green finger touched the ball of light, the red makeup of the hundred miles only felt the pain of a heart coming from the heart.

Then, a tyrannical energy rushed in from her fingertips towards her body.

Under such tyrannical power, the hundred-mile red makeup quickly runs to call the magic.

If the practice is not run, under the instillation of this power, she may directly explode and die!

After the blood-colored ball was completely absorbed by the hundred-mile red makeup, the hundred-mile red makeup was also sat down, hands clasped together, and constantly running the exercises.

As the red makeup continues to work, her breath is gradually improving.

The eyes of the practitioners of the blood tower are constantly on the stairs, and they only want to know who the inheritors are.

The inheritance of the blood gas tower is a rare encounter in a hundred years. However, it has been shocking to see two practitioners who have been passed down in the past few years.

What they are most curious about is how the practitioners broke through the trial.

As we all know, the trial of the blood gas tower is a metamorphosis, and the difficulty is upgraded every three layers. Later, they simply have no hope of breaking through.

If this is because their strength is not strong enough, the practitioners who pass the blood gas tower trial are also cultivated in the red.

Under this same cultivation, the other party can pass, but they can't pass, which is really unacceptable.

Regardless of who the inheritor is, he will be famous in the **** abyss!

Inside the inn.

"Less Lord, the Lady of the Lord has successfully broken through the ninth-level trial. Should we pick up the Lady of the Lord?"

Blackwood looked up to the side of the emperor, the original Lord has always insisted on staying in the blood abyss is for the inheritance of the lady of the Lord.

Now the Lady of the Lord has been successfully passed down, and the things that the Lord has been uneasy can be put down.

Emperor Beibei shook his head slightly. "Red makeup has indeed passed the trial, but it takes a little time to get the inheritance. We wait."

He had previously gained the inheritance of the blood gas tower, so he knew that this inheritance also took a little time.

He chose to understand the contest. Although the days of the selection contest were indeed fast, there was no such thing as the Tianzhu Zong urged him so urgently.

I want to come here, and there are also Hanxi’s sake.

He is very familiar with the temperament of red makeup. It has always been that people do not commit me, I am not guilty.

Nowadays, he has already made a good choice. Therefore, these little tricks of Han Xiyu have never been seen.

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