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Rao is that everyone has already guessed that the practitioners who have gained the inheritance of the blood tower are likely to be red makeup. At this moment, when they know that it is really a hundred-mile red makeup, their hearts still have to be shaken.

"My God, it is really a hundred-mile red makeup!"

"What exactly is this hundred-mile red makeup? How can it be passed down easily?"

"No matter what comes, it is not easy to prove that her strength is achieved."

Some practitioners who were dissatisfied with the hundred-mile red makeup also dispelled the original disappointment after knowing the achievements of the hundred-mile red makeup.

I don't want to know that the red makeup in the future must be a very bad character. In the history of the blood gas tower, all the practitioners who have been passed down are unacceptable characters.

This is beyond doubt.

After the blood rose knows that the Baili red makeup has gained the inheritance of the blood gas tower, the heart is also full of shocking colors.

Originally, she only felt that Rao was a good man with a hundred-year-old makeup. She still deserves God's North.

However, now that she knows the achievements of Baili Red Makeup, everything she used to call is a joke.

This woman, cultivation talent is so powerful!

At this moment, the blood rose can not only get the heart of the emperor, but also the red makeup that she can achieve.

This is just like what Baili Red makeup said before, she will rely on her own strength, and not rely on anyone.

When Bailihong makeup took the bleeding tower, he saw Emperor Beibei and Heimu standing at the door and smiling at her. The three beasts were also sitting on the shoulders of Emperor Beibei and Blackwood.

Since this time, the three beasts and the emperor are also very familiar, no matter who they are sitting on, they are used to it.

"Yiang, congratulations!"

The beautiful face of the beautiful **** evokes a delightful and charming smile, and the emperor's northward stretches out and grabs the red makeup.

Baili red makeup smiles lightly, beautiful and bright, "I said I can pass!"

"Mr. Lord, you are so amazing, black wood admire!"

Blackwood is also not admired by himself. In his heart, he has already admired the lady of the Lord.

Listening to the words, the beautiful cherry-colored lips are slightly raised, and the bright red makeup is bright and clear. "Blackwood is now more and more talkable."

Blackwood smiled and scratched his head, some embarrassed.

When the three-way red makeup exchange, the eyes of many practitioners fell on them.

After all, the red makeup of Baili has gained the inheritance of the blood tower, which is really a news.

Many practitioners want to know how the red makeup has broken through the trials. They have been trapped for many years.

The deep dawn of the emperor’s squatting eyes squinted around their cultivators and looked at them. “Women, let’s go back first.”

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, and there are many people here, which is really not a good place to talk.

The three quickly left, and many of the practitioners’ eyes stopped on them.

Feeling the gaze around her eyes, the brows of the red makeup brows slightly wrinkled, which is obviously different from what she imagined.

Logically speaking, this inheritance can only be obtained by the practitioners who pass, even if other practitioners kill her, it is impossible to obtain this inheritance. They should not follow closely with themselves.

However, this is obviously not the case.

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