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Xia Yuqing looked deeply at the hundred-mile red makeup. After confirming that the hundred-mile red makeup was telling the truth and there was no concealment, she was relieved.

"That's good, I always think that Han Xiyi is not a good guy to deal with."

Xia Yuqing licked her mouth, and the eye was a very strange thing. Just as she saw the red makeup for the first time, she felt very attached. When she saw Han Xiyu for the first time, she felt a bit disgusted.

"Even if she is hard to deal with, it doesn't matter, because I am even more difficult to deal with." Baili red makeup smiled lightly.

Taking advantage of the jokes of the red makeup, Xia Yuqing couldn’t help but laugh out. “That’s right, you never lose.”

The character of red makeup has always been a respect for me. I respect him a bit. This is the same result for opponents.

"Red makeup, where have you been going during this time?" Xia Yuqing snorted. "There has been no news of you since, and we are worried that you will not come back."

"I will definitely go back, but the situation in this experience is very complicated, the location is very far, and it is not convenient to deliver the news."

Baili red makeup smiles, she knows that Xia Yuqing really cares about her, "We went to the blood abyss this time."

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Xia Yuqing could not help but widen his eyes, his eyes filled with incredible colors, "a **** abyss of one of the three abyss?"

The blood abyss is so famous, she naturally heard of it, but she did not expect that Baili red makeup would go to this place.

According to the news she learned, the **** abyss is the gathering place of the devil, and many practitioners will never come back once they walk in.

Many practitioners regard the **** abyss as a perfect place to improve their strength, but for more practitioners, everything there is no different from the flood of beasts, and definitely not willing to go to such a place.

After many practitioners went there, humanity was annihilated and completely degraded.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, "nice."

"You are too bold!"

Xia Yuqing couldn't help but exclaim, she finally understood why the red makeup had come back so long.

How far is the blood abyss, it takes a long time to get there, and it is full of danger everywhere.

I am afraid that in such a situation, they will focus on cultivation and will not consider other things at all.

"Fortunately, isn't this coming back safely?"

The hundred-year-old red makeup looked indifferent. She was only very interested when she knew the **** abyss, and did not think about other things.

However, now from the reaction of others, she also knows that many people do not accept the existence of the blood abyss.

Hearing, Xia Yuqing nodded. "It is true, as long as the peace comes back."

At this moment, Xia Yuqing thoroughly understood, no wonder that the repair of Baili red makeup can be so much improved in a short period of time.

In such a dangerous place, it is difficult to want to improve faster.

Although, the extent of this increase is still somewhat abnormal.

After chatting with each other on the soft couch for a long time, Xia Yuqing gradually fell asleep, and Bailihong makeup walked out of the house.

"Master, the person we met two days ago is the lord. Why is there no news about the lord now?"

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