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After seeing the situation of the assessment, Qin Lan couldn't help but frown. "This is the end of the assessment array. Isn't it that the Baili girl passed all the assessments directly?"

With the voice of Qin Yu falling, Gu Jingqing could not help but look at Qin Yu, and his eyes were filled with a hint of surprise.

"You are doing a good job. It is indeed possible."

There are a variety of different assessments for the assessment array, which is used to win the assessment contest, because the strength of the practitioners is generally not very strong, so this assessment array has only a certain number of levels.

In general, if you stick to the six musks, you may end up with all of these levels.

Once all these levels have been completed, the assessment of the assessment matrix will naturally end.

However, it has not been seen so far that practitioners can enter these assessments for the first time.

And if the hundred-mile red makeup used only five musks to pass these levels, how intense is her fighting intensity during this time?

This means that it usually takes six musks to kill the monsters. The red makeup is completely solved with only five musks.

If this is the case, then this is a bit too abnormal.

"The sovereign, the young master, the assessment has ended." The elders slowly reported to Situ Yan and the emperor.

Situ Yan nodded slightly, his eyes fell on a group of practitioners who passed the assessment. "Congratulations on passing the assessment, representing Tian Yizong to participate in the assessment contest."

Listening to Situ Yan’s words, all the qualifiers who have obtained the qualifications have a deep smile on their faces, and they can listen to the congratulations of the lords. This is their honor.

"The old rules, the practitioners who won the first place in this assessment will be rewarded."

As soon as this was said, the eyes of the practitioners on the scene fell on the practitioner who insisted on the five incense sticks.

Wuyue Xin, the fourth-order cultivation of the orange environment, can be called the return of the public.

Wu Yuexin’s face opened with a smile, but fortunately she finally won the first place!

Just as Wu Yuexin was prepared to accept the envy and congratulations of everyone, Situ Yan’s words made her smile on her face.

“Congratulations for the red makeup!”

The emperor's lips evoked a touch of fascinating laughter. His maiden has always been excellent, but this performance still surprised him.

Qin Yu and Gu Jingqing looked at each other. It seems that their previous guesses were not wrong. The Baili Red Make-up really completed all the trials at an ultra-fast speed.

With the voice of Situ Yan falling, the faces of all the practitioners were ugly, and the eyes were covered with incredible colors.

"How could it be a hundred-mile red makeup? Isn't Wuyue Xin?"

"I don't know, I don't know what it is."

"Does the Sovereign be mistaken?"

Xia Yuqing and Gong Shaoqing and others looked at each other. Although they had an unspeakable joy in their hearts, they were worried that they would be happy.

If it is really wrong, I am afraid that the red makeup will be even more embarrassing.

The red lips of the hundred-mile makeup are faint and light, and she is still a light-looking appearance of Yunjuan Yunshu.

"The Sovereign, isn't Wuyue Xin in the first place?" Han Xiyu couldn't help but ask, the Sovereign should not favor the red makeup.

When Han Xiyu just made a sound, Han Hongyi wanted to stop her, but Hanxi’s speed was too fast. When Han Hongyi wanted to stop it, it was too late.

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