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With Feng Mingzhe's voice falling, Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman's face instantly became difficult to look at, and they did not expect Feng Mingzhe to say such things.

However, the next situation is to make Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman feel disheartened.

"Yes, we don't know the red makeup at all. Only Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman know each other. You just need to catch them!" Ren Biao quickly sang.

She has always been the arrogant woman in the family. How has he been so wronged?

What's more, for a stranger who has never met before, she is not embarrassed, she does not want to die in the night in the city.

Seeing Feng Mingzhe and Ren Biao's statement, Zhu Weicheng and the Xueyuan dynasty practitioners expressed their opinions.

In their view, this matter was originally provoked by Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman, and naturally should be solved by Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman.

In a short while, Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman were betrayed by all teammates.

They couldn't believe it. This is the companion they spent four months with each other. It was only in such an instant that they were completely thrown away.

All the affection on weekdays has disappeared!

After Yuan Zhixin was disheartened, his face could not help but laughed at himself. If you want to come, this is a cool heart.

Before, they were too overestimating their weight in the team. It was a bit of a mistake to make a big difference.

"This snow source dynasty practitioner has betrayed his teammates like this, this speed is really staggering!"

"People don't do it for themselves, they are ruthless, and the behavior of these guys is normal."

"I don't know who this red makeup is. They have been talking for a long time, I have never heard of it."

Everyone has been talking about it. All this is exposed to the eyes of all of them. The words of the two teams are not hidden. They listen really.

So far, the names they hear most are the names of the hundred-mile red makeup, and they are really curious about who this hundred-red makeup is.

Taking advantage of the confident and full-fledged appearance of the Qing Dynasty dynasty practitioners, I would like to come to the night of Qincheng.

"It’s almost late at night. It’s reasonable to say that the general cultivator team has already entered the city. Shouldn’t the hundred-red makeup and other people have come and deliberately not appearing?”

"It is normal even if it does not appear. The practitioners of the Qing Dynasty are not good to deal with.

Since the Qing Dynasty Kings have made such a big fanfare, they must have made enough preparations. This is simply a banquet.

If the red makeup appears, I am afraid that there will be no return. ”

Nangong Yujin had a sneer on his face and bent down. "Yuan Zhixin, do you guess that Baili red makeup will come?"

Originally, they could directly attack the team of Baili Red Makeup, but always felt that this approach would be more innovative.

With the character of a hundred miles of red makeup, I am afraid that seeing such a thing will be even more intolerable?

As long as the hundred-mile red makeup comes here, he will definitely make the red-haired makeup impossible, and there is no way to die!

"just kill me!"

Yuan Zhixin glanced angrily at Nangong Yujin. He did not know what kind of hatred between Nangong Yujin and Bailihong makeup.

However, in his view, Baili Red Makeup is an admirable girl. On the contrary, this Nangong Yujin is a very mean person.

He doesn't know if the red makeup will come, but he hopes that the red makeup will not come. He doesn't want to be tired of his own makeup.

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