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Zhu Weicheng and others saw that the red makeup of the hundred miles actually appeared, and the face appeared in a strange color.

They really didn't think that the red makeup of Baili would actually come. Doesn't this woman know that since the practitioners of the Qing Dynasty dynasty deliberately attracted her, must they be prepared enough?

At this moment, when Zhu Weicheng and others were amazed, they felt that the red makeup was stupid.

The cultivator of a small dynasty in the district now dares to go to the cultivators of the medium-sized dynasty. Isn’t this a self-seeking dead end?

However, they are also happy in their hearts.

Since the red makeup has come, they have no relationship with the red makeup, then they can leave.

"Hundreds of red makeup, you really have the confidence, now is not the time to hold the college exchange, you will not have the good luck of the original."

Nangong Yueer looked at the red makeup with a cold eye, but she didn't know where the courage and confidence of the red makeup came from.

The discerning person knows that this is a bureau, and the red makeup is still dare to come. She really doesn't know whether it is right to say that the red makeup is loyal or that the red makeup is stupid.

Not waiting for the hundred-mile red makeup to talk, Xia Yuqing has stood up directly.

"Nan Gong Yue Er, you are just a red makeup man, but now I dare to be so arrogant, your face is really not thick!"

Bai Junyu also looked at Nangong Yueer in disgust. "If it wasn't for the college exchange, it was held in this Qing Dynasty, and the red makeup had already killed you."

It is said that Nangong Yueer is also very beautiful, but for this woman, Bai Junyu only dislikes.

I want to come, any man will be disgusted after knowing the nature of Nangong Yueer.

After all, people don't just look at the outside.

Seeing that Xia Yuqing and Bai Junyu are talking so rudely, Nangong Yueer’s face is also a burst of iron.

What she hates most is the fact that she has lost her hand in the red makeup. Fortunately, no one will mention it on weekdays.

However, now that Xia Yuqing has said these words in front of so many people, she only feels that she has no face.

When the practitioners present at the scene heard the defeat of Nangong Yueer, who was once a hundred-year-old red makeup, he could not help but burst into exclamation.

"I didn't get it wrong? Nangong Yueer, who is a medium-sized dynasty practitioner, turned out to be a small dynasty cultivator's glory. Is this too strange?"

"It's really a man who can't be seen, so to speak, the strength of this hundred-mile red makeup is very strong!"

"It seems that the reason why Nangong Yueer wants to find the red makeup is to revenge!"

Listening to this phrase, everyone has already made up a lot of plots.

I want to come, and the identity of Nangong Yueer is defeated by a small dynasty practitioner. She must be intolerable.

Therefore, it is not surprising that she is coming back to the scene now.

Zhu Weicheng also stunned. He looked at Baili Red Makeup and Nangong Yueer in an incredible way. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

The red makeup that he simply looked down on even defeated Nangong Yueer?

This is too shocking!

However, taking advantage of the face of Nangong Yueer’s iron blue is enough to affirm the answer.

"Xia Yuqing, even if I have lost in the hands of hundreds of miles of red makeup, my strength is stronger than you, do not need you two to make irresponsible!" Nangong Yue Er angry.

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