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After seeing Wei Junjie fall down, the crowds of the onlookers could not help but change their faces.

"Wei Junjie lost even? Doesn't that mean that the poison of the hundred-mile red makeup is even worse?"

"I didn't expect that Baili Red Makeup turned out to be a powerful poisonist. It's no wonder that the royal family of the Qing Dynasty dynasty would be trapped because of the red makeup."

As everyone knows, the poisonous division is so powerful that even the royal family is not willing to provoke.

It is not the case that the poisonous division alone has destroyed the entire family and the royal family.

Because once the poisons that the poisoner has configured are unresolvable, then ordinary people will only have to wait for death.

"The cultivators of the Qing dynasty are going to be unlucky."

After seeing the hundred-mile red makeup defeated Wei Junjie, everyone shifted their voices.

From the moment when Wei Junjie fell, this ending was already doomed.

When Nangong Yueer turned to Wei Junjie for help, she saw Wei Junjie crashing down, her face instantly became pale, and her eyes were more desperate after flashing an incredible color.

Wei Junjie is actually dead?

Dead in the hands of a hundred red makeup?

Nangong Yueer couldn't believe it. In her eyes, Wei Junjie was such a powerful figure. The average person did not dare to provoke.

Because of the existence of Wei Junjie, their small world has been alive and well in the past few months, and no one dared to offend them.

Now that Wei Junjie is dead, this means that their backing does not exist anymore!


Xiao Hei directly knocked down Nangong Yueer, and at the same time, the two claws were directly directed at the throat of Nangong Yueer!

It has long wanted to solve this Nangong Yueer for the owner, and now it is finally what it is!


Nangong Yueer’s crazy counterattack, she did not want to die in the hands of a contract beast.

She also has this infinitely beautiful life, and she must not be so depraved.

However, in the face of the counterattack of Nangong Yueer, Xiao Hei is also becoming more and more hot.

Let Nangong Yueer struggle so much, today is destined to be her death!


Nangong Yueer screamed and there was a sharp pain in her neck. Then she felt the warmth of her neck and the strength of her body gradually dissipated.

Listening to the screams of Nangong Yueer, everyone looked over.

After seeing Nangong Yueer's death in Xiaohei's hands, the face of the Qinglan dynasty practitioners suddenly changed, and Nangong Yueer died, which means that their pressure is even greater.


Nangong Yujin shouted out, he did not think that Nangong Yueer would actually die!

Nangong Yujin followed Wei Junjie, and he did not understand why Wei Junjie and Baili Red makeup would be deadlocked for such a long time.

If Wei Junjie defeats Baili Red makeup earlier, then Nangong Yueer will not die.

However, when Nangong Yujin turned his head, he saw the red makeup that came to him!

Nangong Yujin’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t understand how Baili’s red makeup might come over. After a closer look, it was discovered that Wei Junjie had fallen to the ground behind the red makeup.

"This - this is impossible."

Nangong Yujin shook his head, how could Wei Junjie’s ability to die in the hands of Baili red makeup?

At the time of the death of Nangong Yujin, the fist of Dongfang’s scorpion has already slammed up.


Nangong Yujin accidentally fell to the ground, waiting for him to stand up, the knife in the hands of the Oriental 狠狠 has pierced his body!


The sound of the blade into the body sounded, and the Nangong Yujin body trembled.

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