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With the look of everyone's concern, Baili's red makeup smiled slightly. "Do not worry, they are all right, but they are too expensive and fall asleep. It doesn't matter if they wake up."

Listening to the hundred-mile red makeup words, Xia Yuqing and others just let go of their hearts, and ultimately did not affect Yuan Zhixin.

"Fortunately, they are fine, this is a big disaster, not a death, there will be a blessing." Xia Yuqing smiled lightly.

Although they have not known each other for a long time with Yuan Zhixin, they can be seen from their performance yesterday. They are also worthy of deep friendship.

"After Yuan Zhixin, they are in a team with us?" Bai Junyu slowly sang.

With the voice of Bai Junyu falling, everyone's expressions have a momentary stagnation, and the mind is also thinking about it.

Rao is that they think that Yuan Zhixin is a good person, but after all, it is not clear what the details are, so it is not as strong as their friendship.

In this small world, trust is the most important. If Yuan Zhixin can't integrate into this group wholeheartedly, it is undoubtedly very troublesome.

Baili red makeup is also thinking about it, she does not mind Yuan Zhixin joined the team.

Because, from the performance of Yuan Zhixin before, they can be seen, they are trustworthy.

However, she and the Yuan family have affection, but others do not know at all. Whether you can accept this is the biggest problem.

"Master, Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman are the first-order cultivation of the orange environment. If it is included in our team, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved."

Xiao Black slowly said that Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman are not weak. After joining the team, they can reduce a lot of trouble.

After all, the ranks of the seven practitioners will be judged as the team of the medium dynasty.

The next moment, Baili red makeup looked at Gong Shaoqing and others, saying: "What do you think?"

"I don't think it's okay!" Xia Yuqing said first, "Two orange-level first-class practitioners join us, and our strength can grow."

Bai Junyu waved his hand and he had no opinion on the matter.

The Eastern Sui and Gong Shaoqing looked at each other and thought that only they would think more.

"If you are trustworthy, then join." Gong Shaoqing indulged for a moment, said.

He does not object to any true friends joining the team, provided that they are genuine. If they have two hearts, it is a big problem.

What's more, he knows in his heart that they have saved Yuan Zhixin two people. If they don't team up with them, Yuan Zhixin will not last long in this small world where the strong people are everywhere.

With the power of two people, a team of dynasties can kill them.

Listening to the answers of the people, Baili red makeup nodded slightly and said: "So let's decide, I will pay attention during this period."

According to the performance of Yuan Zhixin, she will judge whether they have two or not. After all, saving Yuan Zhixin is her choice. She can't let her choice harm her teammates.

Everyone looked at each other and they nodded.

In any case, their team is the most important.

Tianzong Zong.

Since the departure of Baili Red Makeup, Emperor Beibei has been inquiring about the news of Yuejia, and wants to know where Lanyun and Mu Lingbing are being held.

However, Yue Jia is too strict, and it is not an easy task to find out.

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