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small world.

Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman finally woke up after three days of sleep. With the help of Baili Red Makeup, the toxins in the two bodies have been completely removed, and the injuries have been restored a lot.

When the two men came out of the house, they saw the red makeup and other people standing outside the house, waiting for them with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Zhixin is also warm.

"You finally wake up." Xia Yuqing took the lead.

The eyes of Bailihong makeup fell on Yuan Zhixin's body and smiled: "Where can you feel uncomfortable?"

Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman waved their hands again and again. "We are very good, no problem."

"That's good."

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, Wei Junjie's poison was very powerful, plus Yuan Zhixin had been injured before, so after the detoxification, the two were very weak, and they only woke up in three days.

"I am sorry that everyone has been delayed for such a long time because of us."

The low and slightly hoarse voice was full of embarrassment, and Yuan Zhixin bowed to everyone.

The reason why they can survive is because of the help of people such as Baili Red Makeup, and the other party has no obligation to do it all.

"Everyone is a friend, don't worry about it." Gong Shaoqing said.

Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman smiled faintly. They were not very familiar with Gong Shaoqing and others, but they only talked a bit.

Although a large part of the reason is because of the red makeup, but Gong Shaoqing and others can save them, they are really grateful.

"The other practitioners of the Xueyuan dynasty team have fallen. You will join us in the next day. What do you think?"

Exquisite and beautiful face screaming with a clear smile, the sound of the hundred-mile red makeup is warm and pleasant, which is the result of their long-term discussions.

The words of the hundred-mile red makeup fell into the ears of Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman, and before that, they were already very worried about the next days.

After all, without a team, it is extremely difficult for them to survive in a small world.

In the same way, they are more aware that it is extremely difficult to integrate into a team.

They also hope to join the team of red makeup, but it is not easy for the other party to save them. They also want to let the other party accept them, which is a bit of a measure.

I never thought that they would not wait for them to open their mouths, and the red makeup of Baili had already taken the lead, which really made them too surprised.

"Barry girl, can we really join?" Yuan Zhixin couldn't help but ask again.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, "Yes, but if you decide to join us, then you must join yourself wholeheartedly. See your teammates as relatives and help each other."

Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman nodded in a row, "We will definitely!"

Yuan Xiaoman walked over to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup. The pretty face was full of joy and gratitude. "Hundreds of girls, my life is saved, and you are my boss."

What do you want me to do, what I do, I will never do anything I should not do! ”

Listening to Yuan Xiaoman’s words, Baili’s red makeup couldn’t help but sigh, “Yuan girl, this...”

Yuan Xiaoman took the hand of a hundred-mile red makeup. "Boss, you can call me Xiaoman directly later."

Yuan Zhixin also nodded. "Xiao Man said it well. You will be our boss in the future!"

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