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When Lei Penghai shot, the speed of the red makeup was extremely fast, and immediately the right hand greeted it!


The two palms touched each other, and the hundred-mile red makeup took a step back. Lei Penghai did not move.

Baili red makeup Liu Mei slightly picked up, I have already heard that the power of Lei Penghai was very amazing. At the moment, her feelings were deeper when a palm collided.

Her strength is not weak compared to the practitioners who are equally cultivated, but there is also a certain gap in the face of Lei Penghai, which shows Lei Penghai's accomplishments in this power.

Bai Lihong makeup looked at Lei Penghai carefully, no wonder Lei Penghai's figure is so strong, he must have spent a lot of time on the cultivation of this power.

"Not an opponent!"

The crowds of the crowds shook their heads. It was only from this situation that they could judge that the red makeup was not the opponent of Lei Penghai.

"The power of Lei Penghai has always been strong. I heard that he is a natural strength practitioner, and the same level of practitioners is not his opponent."

In the eyes of Gong Shaoqing and others, there was also a smear of dignity. They had already known that Lei Penghai had strong strength, and now they understand more about the power of Lei Penghai.

It seems that this fight also takes a lot of effort.

However, compared to the views of other practitioners, the practitioners of the Star Ming Dynasty also frowned.

According to their thoughts, Lei Penghai's move, the red makeup should be a few steps back, but the red makeup has only stepped back, which is a bit strange.

Lei Penghai looked at the colorful makeup in a strange way. It has always been a woman, even if the man collides with him, he will step back several times.

I did not expect that the strength of this woman is so strong, it seems that the strength of this team is not weak.

However, regardless of the strength of the other party, but the dynasty team that provokes him unhappy, there is only one ending - death!

"I will give you the last chance, roll or not?"

Lei Penghai's voice is full of threats. If he is replaced by other practitioners, he has already started directly.

However, he vaguely felt that the strength of this team is not weak.

If you are fighting, I am afraid there will be some trouble.

There is not much time left in this ancient ruins, and it is better to keep fighting power at this time.

Hearing, Baili red makeup sneered, his eyes cold and cold, "I will give you another chance, either roll or die!"

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Gong Shaoqing and others have already taken out the weapons.

They are absolutely impossible to leave like this, because the Star Ming Dynasty practitioners still do not have the strength to let them do this!

The anger of Lei Penghai and others was also instantly smashed up. They have not encountered such arrogant opponents for a long time!

"Get rid of them!"

Lei Penghai’s low and full of anger sounded, and the next squatter, the practitioners behind him took out their weapons.

For the practitioners of the Star Ming Dynasty, fighting is extremely normal, and they are always ready to fight anytime, anywhere!


The red makeup of the hundred miles is also a cold drink, the other party uses this attitude to insult them, if they do not fight back, then it is really weak!

Lei Penghai's heart and soul moved, and the power of his body broke out in an instant. At the same time, the atmosphere of the seventh-order orange environment permeated.

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