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The movement of the red makeup was not slow. The glass sword appeared in her hand and greeted the axe of Lei Penghai!


The crispy sound of the gold and iron handover spread out, and the red makeup figure has gone backwards two steps. The strength of Lei Penghai is really amazing!

Seeing that Bailihong makeup did not have any damage under his own blow, Lei Penghai’s dissatisfaction was getting heavier and heavier, and the whole body once again rushed to the hundred-mile red makeup.

You must know that when he is playing against his opponent on weekdays, he is a collision of strength and has been injured.

Obviously, this hundred-mile red makeup is also an alternative.

The most important thing is that the repair of the hundred-mile red makeup is two levels lower than him, and he can still resist his attack, which makes people even more dissatisfied.


The red-haired makeup and Lei Penghai quickly joined forces, and the sound of gold and iron continued to spread.

The glass sword in the hands of the hundred-mile red makeup is also in sharp contrast with the huge axe in the hands of Lei Penghai. It is not a heavyweight.

However, it is in such a disparate contrast that everyone was surprised to find that the sword of the red makeup has never been affected, which is amazing!

The eye-catching person can see that the sword on the hand of the hundred-mile red makeup is a treasure. If the ordinary weapon has already been broken in half under the axe of Lei Penghai!

For a time, everyone was a little hot.

Only this baby is destined to fall into the hands of the Star Ming Dynasty practitioners, and they only have to look at it!

When Baili Red Makeup and Lei Penghai played against each other, the practitioners of the Xingming Dynasty had already fought with Xia Yuqing and others!

With the spread of the **** field of the hundred-mile red makeup, the practitioners of the Xingming Dynasty have received certain influence.

Even if they try their best to offset this effect, it still has no use.

There is only one idea in their hearts today - it’s a ghost!

The original big gap was quickly pulled closer at this moment, it is too strange!

However, Gong Shaoqing and others can not explain the idea to the other party at all. Since the gap between the strengths is now close, it is natural to grasp the opportunity!

The two fifth-order cultivators of the Xingming dynasty, although they can only exert the fourth-order ability of the orange environment, they are not worried.

Because, the Scorpio dynasty in addition to the hundred-strong makeup, the most powerful practitioner is just the first step of the orange.

Dealing with their strength is not a problem at all!

However, Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman simply did not pay attention to the two fifth-level practitioners of Orange. They have turned their targets to the third-order practitioners of Orange, and that is their opponent!

The two fifth-level practitioners of Orange have been neglected to see themselves, and their hearts are also dissatisfied. "Look for death!"

Just as they were preparing to attack Yuan Zhixin, suddenly, a black and white light quickly approached them.

Still not waiting for them to see what it is, they have already been attacked by the two faces!

"Your opponent is us!"

Xiaohei and Xiaobai both hands put a shape on the back and back of the chest, watching the two people in front of them sneer.

The two practitioners saw that the two monsters were also stunned. "Who are you?"

"We are famous - black and white eyes!" Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are the same voice.

The two practitioners looked at each other and they were completely dumbfounded.

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