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I saw that Lei Penghai’s clothes were covered with blood, and the pale face was not a little bloody. Obviously, he had already suffered a very serious injury.


The sound of a heavy object landed, and everyone saw Lei Penghai's body fell heavily on the ground.

From that point, the fascinating eyes disappeared, and everyone can judge that Lei Penghai has fallen!


The faces of the people are covered with incredible looks. No matter from which point of view, the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty should be a dead end to the practitioners of the Shangxing Ming Dynasty.

However, the result is now stunned by everyone!

"How is this possible? Lei Penghai's strength is so strong that he died in a woman who was weaker than him?"

"This is the real gutter in the gutter! Just, I don't understand this woman, but the fifth stage of the orange, why is the combat power so strong?"

"It seems that the practitioners of this celestial dynasty are not very irritating."

At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Baili Red Makeup and others have changed.

If they didn't put the red makeup and other people in their eyes before, they wouldn't dare to hold the idea that didn't matter before.

Obviously, this unseen dynasty cultivator is very powerful, and maybe it is the dark horse that emerged from this medium-sized dynasty.

In this assessment contest, the strength of most teams can be judged from the strength of their dynasty.

However, there are occasional special situations.

For example, a dynasty whose original national strength was not strong enough suddenly broke out with a few talented practitioners, which undoubtedly became the dark horse of the assessment contest.

In their view, the Baili red makeup group is obviously the existence of this dark horse.

"This time the assessment contest, I am afraid that this day the dynasty will be famous."

Everyone nodded, even if they didn't know which dynasty the dynasty dynasty was, but they took advantage of the strength of people like Baili Red Makeup, and they needed to be careful.

The practitioners of the Xingming dynasty were playing with Xia Yuqing and others, and suddenly they heard a breath of inhalation from the crowd. They were distracted and looked aside.

When they saw that Lei Penghai had died in the hands of the hundred-mile red makeup, their hearts were filled with turbulent waves!

This is simply impossible!

With the strength and combat effectiveness of Lei Penghai, how could it be defeated in the hands of the hundred-mile red makeup?

"This woman must have used some mean means, otherwise the boss could not die in her hands!" Hua Zhixing was angry.

Lei Penghai is the strongest player in their ranks. Once Lei Penghai falls, the team strength of their Star Ming Dynasty can be greatly reduced!

Yao Junnan's face has become extremely ugly. Before Lei Penghai was in, their team was extremely arrogant, and the guilty opponents were numerous.

However, now that Lei Penghai is dead, I am afraid that many teams will have revenge and resentment.

At the thought of this, Yao Junnan seemed to have foreseen the dark days afterwards.

"Damn! Kill them!" Yao Junnan angered.

After knowing this, the practitioners of the Xingming dynasty also felt unacceptable and broke out.

They only want to kill these culprit!

Xia Yuqing and others are also amazed at how red makeup can solve Lei Penghai so quickly, it is amazing!

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