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After the end of the battle, Xiaohei and Xiaobai returned to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup. Their thoughts are the same as those of their masters. Xia Yuqing and others need enough experience.

The onlookers of the cultivators have already understood their thoughts when they saw the stop-and-go red makeup and the two monsters.

In this way, it is entirely the other cultivators of the Star Ming Dynasty to be the object of practicing hands.

This is the contempt of the red fruit!

However, now they only feel that such contempt is extremely normal.

Because the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty have proved with their strength that they have enough qualifications to despise.

"This time, the practitioners of the Star Ming Dynasty can really turn over the ship in the gutter, and it has been a long time since they were arrogant!"

"The practitioners of the Xingming dynasty were supposed to be alive, and they couldn’t be blamed for their strength. Now they are completely dead!"

"Yes, watching them fall like this, I only feel very refreshed, and the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty have done a good thing!"

After seeing the possibility that the practitioners of the Xingming Dynasty never turned over, many practitioners could not help but applaud.

The arrogant behavior of the former Xingming dynasty practitioners offended too many people, but they were only able to swallow their voices because of their strength.

Now this group of annoying guys has completely disappeared into the world, and they are not happy in their hearts.

For a time, everyone also had a good impression on the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty.

After all, the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty helped them solve a big problem.

The practitioners of the Xingming dynasty have already been self-defeating, and Xia Yuqing and others are more and more violent.

Under the circumstances of this change, the practitioners of the Xingming Dynasty only had to be crushed.

In the face of the practitioners of the Xingming dynasty, Xia Yuqing and others can not have the same sympathy as before.

In the process of coming, they saw with their own eyes how many people killed by the practitioners of the Xingming Dynasty.

Such a guy, if it falls earlier, is tantamount to saving more people.

What's more, the group's arrogant attitude before, they have already seen it very unhappy.


Yuan Zhixin killed a practitioner.


Gong Shaoqing immediately killed a practitioner.


The practitioners of the Star Ming Dynasty fell one by one.

Xia Yuqing was preparing to wave the red makeup after knocking down the practitioner. As a result, the practitioner quickly climbed up and fled to the outside quickly!

Seeing this scene, Xia Yuqing even chased it up.

However, it is not waiting for Xia Yuqing to catch up with the cultivator, and the onlookers have already slammed the cultivator back!

"Go to hell! Scum!"

Xia Yuqing was stunned by the star-shaped dynasty practitioner who fell down at his feet, and could not help but secretly scream.

Is there a wrath in the sect of the Star Dynasty?

It’s just a bunch of attacks!

The people who were worried about the red makeup and other people were relieved after seeing this scene. Fortunately, there was no accident.

Xia Yuqing turned around and saw the little helpless eyes of Bailihong makeup and so on. Xia Yuqing couldn’t help but smile, and she did not expect such a situation.

After the Bairen Red Makeup and others collected the Qiankun bag and points from Lei Penghai and others, they threw their bodies to the outside of the city gate. Staying in this city pool will undoubtedly affect many people.

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