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After knowing this, everyone was more careful when they watched the surroundings.

Such a cold and despicable guy, such as Han Xiyu, is likely to make some sneak attacks at any time, and has to guard against it.

"Let's find a place to sit down." The red makeup slowly came out.

The crowd nodded, and the cultivators were already filled in front of the ruins. They could only find a place to sit down at will, but not close to the ruins.

On weekdays, there are places where monsters are raging, but as the practitioners gather more and more, the monsters have already dispersed.

Not far away, Baili Red Makeup and others can still see the body of the monster.

Obviously, in the previous two days, the practitioners here were not afraid of being too busy. After solving a lot of monsters, they only let the monsters taboo and thus no longer appear.

Xia Yuqing and others can find that among the foremost practitioners, many people are not in a good state of mind.

At this moment, everyone can't help but admire the red makeup.

It’s true that Baili’s red makeup is not wrong. It’s not very useful to come here too early. On the contrary, it will affect its own state.

They are here now, and the monsters will not be seen, which will undoubtedly save them a lot of things.

Not far away, Baili Haoxuan's eyes fell on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup. Since I knew that the red makeup was here, he couldn't help but pay attention.

The waste that was suppressed by him at the beginning turned out to be like this. He saw the fallen look of His Royal Highness.

This kind of counterattack is really making him somewhat unacceptable.

"Red makeup!"

Just as the hundred-mile red makeup closed his eyes and prepared for cultivation, a familiar voice rang in the front.

Hearing this call, not only is the hundred-mile red makeup, but Gong Shaoqing and others are also looking at the direction of this sound.

This look, Baili red makeup and others were surprised to find that the other party turned out to be a long-lost ink cloud!

The ink cloud is still a black robes, and the silver ink bamboo is embroidered on the robes. With the movement of the ink clouds, a little silver shines.

I haven't seen you for a while, and the handsomeness of the ink cloud is as old as ever, and a noble atmosphere is lingering.

The nobleness of Mo Yunxiao is not the same as that of Emperor Beibei's domineering power. His honor is filled with a deep and introverted depth.

At first glance, you will not feel his honor and domineering, but the closer you are, the more you will be scared.

Because, he is as deep as a black hole, you can't find out.

Many of the practitioners’ eyes were on the body of Mo Yunyan, among which women were mostly.

Rao is the one who has been sitting there without saying a word, but his handsome looks and extraordinary temperament have already attracted many people's attention.

Looking at the eyes of the ink cloud, everyone saw a dusty and moving figure.

If a group of female practitioners still have some embarrassment in their hearts, at this moment, after seeing the hundred-mile red makeup, the original dissatisfaction can not be said.

Because this woman is also very outstanding.

Xuanyuan and Baili Haoxuan are sitting next to the ink cloud, and they are still jealous of the team of the ink cloud.

Not for others, only because of the ink cloud, but from the practitioners of the large dynasty!

From the moment when Mo Yunqi and others sat next to them, they were afraid of causing unbearable contradictions.

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