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"You are on behalf of the Scorpio?"

Mo Yun's brows were slightly wrinkled, and Jun Jun had some doubts, but the depths of his eyes were clear.

The red makeup nodded slightly, "but we now call ourselves the Scorpio Dynasty."

Hearing the words, Mo Yunyan’s eyes changed a bit, but he did not care too much about this title.

"Because Han Xi?" Mo Yunxiao smiled.

With the voice of the ink cloud falling, the faces of the people such as Bailihong makeup were slightly changed, and they looked at the ink cloud slightly. They did not expect that Mo Yunxiao had an understanding of Hanxi’s affairs.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Mo Yunyi explained very indifferently: "The Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Sect of Heaven and the Emperor of the Han Dynasty have always been called a pair of heavenly creations. You are now in such a situation, you can understand it carefully."

Xia Yuqing and others have been stunned. "It turns out."

They only know that the practitioners of Tianzhuzong have always regarded Emperor Beibei and Hanxi as a pair, but there are so many people who have never thought of knowing this.

As a practitioner of a large dynasty, Mo Yunyan’s understanding of the information is naturally much more than them.

"It seems that Han Xizhen is not too difficult for you."

Mo Yun looked at the look of everyone, and he already understood it in his heart.

Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman on the side were completely dumbfounded when they knew that Baili Red Makeup and others were on behalf of Tianzhu Zong.

They also thought that the name of this celestial dynasty had a relationship with Scorpio, but the five-person team did not think much about it. It was only an ordinary small dynasty.

Now, listening to the conversations of Mo Yunqi and others, they only understood.

Yuan Xiaoman’s eyes were amazed and stunned. She said that the extent of her boss might come from a small dynasty.

Just, Tianzhu Zong, that is what a powerful sect!

"Tianzhu Zong Shaozong!"

Yuan Zhixin whispered to himself, constantly chanting the name of Emperor Beibei.

When Emperor Beibei went to Yuanjia earlier, he felt that the name of the Emperor Beibei was very familiar, but he never thought much.

Now he knows that the original Emperor Beibei is the Shaozong of the Tianzong Emperor!

It’s no wonder that Emperor Beibei and Baili Red Make-up are so unscrupulous when they are in Yuanwu City. Such a noble identity naturally does not need to be a taboo!

Yuan Hongyang, they have met two more characters!

Yuan Xiaoman was immersed in the hundred-mile red makeup to replace the Tianzong Zong to participate in the shock. At this moment, when he heard Yuan Zhixin's words, he couldn't help but blink, and then she opened her eyes in horror!

The emperor is a small lord of the Tianzhu dynasty, so isn’t the boss of the celestial patriarch?

Oh my God!

Yuan Xiaoman is completely stupid, what a noble identity!

Did she actually recognize the lady of the Supreme Master of the Scorpio?

Baili Red Makeup and others did not notice the change of look of Yuan Xiaoman behind him, but continued to chill with the ink cloud.

"I heard that this assessment contest, Han Xiyu also participated, are you..."

The eyes of Mo Yunxiao fell on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup. Although everyone has always rumored that Han Xizhen’s strength is great, it is not so powerful in his eyes, but it is all spread out.

With the strength of the hundred-mile red makeup to enhance the speed, if it meets Han Xiyu, who is the winner and who does not know.

At this moment, there are only a few hundred miles of red makeup and other people. Is it true that Han Xiyu has already died in their hands?

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