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In addition to this magnificent relic, a faint golden awning is invisible, and the breeze blew, showing ripples.

However, it is such a layer of light that looks easy to break but it is extremely hard.

In the process of waiting for the ban to dissipate, there are many practitioners who try to forcibly break through this layer of ban, but in the end they all return without success.

The prohibition laid by the owners of the ruins is not easy to break at all, and its power far exceeds the imagination of everyone.

"This ruin is really huge!"

Xia Yuqing couldn't help but stand up and look at the huge relics in front of him, his face full of emotions.

Before because it was nighttime, she did not carefully look at the ruins. Now, when I look closely, he feels the huge shock.

The faces of Gong Shaoqing and others are inexplicably amazed, and the strength of these powerful people is really unacceptable.

It takes a lot of effort to create such a relic, let alone the inheritance of this relic.

“The bigger the ruins, the greater the risk inside. You have to be extra careful.”

Mo Yun saw everyone immersed in the magnificence of the relics, and he could not help but remind him.

Baili red makeup phoenix 眸 眸 , , , , , 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 眸 淡 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 淡 眸 淡 淡 淡 眸 淡 淡 淡 眸

Feeling the gaze of the red makeup, the ink cloud is still a faint smile. "The dangers of ancient ruins are recorded in many ancient books."

Hearing, Xia Yuqing and others nodded, and the ancient ruins were extremely unacceptable, but it was more important for them to have the treasure inside.

The colorful makeup of the hundred miles looked at the practitioners around, and as the sky became brighter, many practitioners could see it clearly.

"Master, that Han Xi has not appeared until now, will it not come?"

Xiao Black wrinkled his brows. It is reasonable to say that such a good opportunity, Han Xizhen can not come.

However, this ruin is about to start the movement that still does not see Han Xiyu, which is very strange.

"With Han Xi's hatefulness, maybe he has offended some powerful practitioners in these few months, and it is not necessarily straight to see the king." Xiaobai said.

The phoenixes that are as deep as the pool sparkle with the light of thinking, and the red makeup wrinkles the wrinkled Qiong nose. No one can judge the current situation.

"As long as Han Xizhen is not dead, I will meet sooner or later in this small world!"

The expression of the hundred-mile red makeup is cold. From the time I first met Han Xiyu, the contradiction between them has become increasingly fierce.

If you wait for the return of the Tianzong Zong to solve it, it will undoubtedly become tricky. With the existence of a great elder, the status of Han Xiyu is not easy to shake.

Therefore, it is the best way to solve Han Xiyu in this assessment contest.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai nodded together. "God has an eye and will not let that woman continue to go on."

"Oh, the ban has become weaker!"

At this time, a pleasant voice was introduced into the ears of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, many of the figures sitting on the ground stood up, and their eyes locked in the volatility of the ban.

In the eyes of everyone, I saw that the color of the golden ban was getting weaker and lighter, and the energy 涟漪 was gradually weakened, apparently a sign of complete dissipating.

For a time, many practitioners are ready, and once the ban is completely dissipated, they quickly enter the ruins!

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