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Seeing the situation in the team of Baili red makeup, the smile of Mo Yun's eyes deepened a bit.

I have to say that among the teams in this assessment contest, there are not many teams that can unite like the Scorpio dynasty.

"Do not worry, there will be no problem!" Mo Yun sneered, "I am advanced, wait until I am sure there is no problem, you will come in again!"

As he said, Mo Yunyan walked toward the ruins with a step.


Even if she wants to stop, her words have not been finished, and Mo Yun has already gone straight.

Seeing the situation, Gong Shaoqing and others are all a glimpse, I did not expect that Mo Yunqi actually went in like this!

Rao is the one who does not have an institution, but no one can guarantee it.

However, it has already proved a lot of things that Mo Yunqi has gone straight in.

If you change to an ordinary person, it is impossible for the other party to do so.

Not waiting for the hundred-mile red makeup and other people to return from the wrong, the voice of the ink cloud has already rang in the temple.

"No problem, come in!"

Next, Baili Red Makeup and others have entered the ruins.

As soon as I walked in, the red makeup of Baili saw the handsome face full of smiles. "Can you rest assured now?"

Baili red makeup glanced at the ink cloud without a word, but the depth of the eyelids flashed a strange luster.

Mo Yun’s move just made her horrified. Such an adventurous move, Mo Yun is really crazy.

"You don't obey this arrangement anymore, I can't let you stay in the team!"

The red makeup of the hundred gaze gaze at the ink cloud, and the Qing dynasty is filled with serious colors.

From the beginning to the end, Mo Yunyi has helped them too much, she can not let Mo Yunyi take on more risks.

When Mo Yun saw the red makeup in the sky, he was so serious. When he raised his right hand, he said seriously: "Okay, the next time I absolutely obey the arrangement of the captain of the hundred miles."


Yuan Xiaoman couldn't help but laugh out. This kind of ink cloud is really interesting.

Xia Yuqing and others are also laughing, obviously, Mo Yunyi is also a very interesting person.

"Okay, let's move on."

The red makeup of Baili has not been too entangled in this matter. They are now very easy to enter the relics, and naturally they must start treasure hunting.

Listening to the words of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone has come back to God. They originally thought that they would enter the ruins very late. I did not expect that it was the first to enter the ruins. This is really destined.


A hundred miles of red makeup burst into a scream, Dongfang and others were stunned for a moment, worriedly watching the red makeup, only thought that the hundred-mile red makeup was attacked.

However, the red makeup of the hundred miles shook hands at the people, pointing their fingers to the door of the relics.

Suddenly, Xia Yuqing and others have come to understand.


Xia Yuqing is also a scream.


Bai Junyu's body shape was slammed on the ground, and Yuan Zhixin and other people's movements were not slow. Since they were to be loaded, they naturally had to be loaded like a point.

Beyond the remains.

As the people of Bailihong makeup and others walked into the ruins, all the practitioners' eyes fixed the ruins, and they would know if they would be in danger after entering the red makeup and other people.

After not hearing the movement, some practitioners were ready to go in, but the screams and the screams that followed came to stop them, and looked at the remains in amazement.

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