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The red makeup is slowly moving forward, and everything here is not the same as the ordinary remains.

There are a lot of things in the usual ruins, but here is the same, she believes that the value of this baby will not be low.

As you approached, the red makeup of Baili pays attention to the situation in the stone room, because no one can guarantee whether there will be some unexpected organs.

Fortunately, until the hundred-mile red makeup went to the box, there was no existence of any organs.

"Master, this should be the baby in the stone room, whoever opened the stone room, who can get it." Xiaobai slowly said.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, even when the box was opened.

She is really curious, there is such a big box, there will be something inside.

When the hundred-mile red makeup opened the box, her dawn instantly brightened, "Dan furnace!"

"Wow, wow, it turned out to be a Dan furnace!"

It’s hard to hide the color of excitement in the little black eyes. At first glance, I know that this stove is very good.

The owner is a refining pharmacist, and the owner has never had a Dan furnace.

If the quality of this Dan furnace is good enough, it is a great weapon for the owner to make alchemy!

The Baili red makeup carefully looked at the Dan furnace in front of it. The black furnace of the whole body reveals the simplicity and the atmosphere, and the wonderful lines are spread over the Dan furnace.

However, when the hundred-mile red makeup saw the lines on the Dan furnace, the color of surprise in her eyes became more and more intense.

As a refining pharmacist, she has a certain understanding of Dan furnace nature.

The higher the level of the Dan furnace, the better the effect, when the refining pharmacist alchemy can improve the success rate, and better preserve the medicinal properties of the medicine, so that the effect is better.

In order to achieve this, the refiner division will work with the inscription clerk to lay an inscription on the Dan furnace for alchemy.

The figure on the top of the Dan furnace in front of her is the array method. If she expected it to be good, this method is a very rare nine-day Xuan Mingwen!

This kind of inscription, she has already heard of it, but the real one is the first time.

Usually, the quality of the Dan furnace that can engrave the nine-day Xuan inscription is superior, and it is not the ordinary Dan furnace can compare with it!

This world, until now, she did not have a Dan furnace when she was alchemy.

In the college exchange, her Dan furnace even exploded.

Today, the Dan furnace used by her alchemy is nothing more than a Dan furnace that is slightly higher than the previous explosion of the Dan furnace.

She knew very well that once the grade of the medicinal herbs she refines was raised again, the Dan furnace could not last long.

Now, this Dan furnace appears in front of her, undoubtedly an excellent harvest!

Mei Ruo's face is filled with joy and smile, and Baili red makeup carefully looks at the Dan furnace in front of him. This Dan furnace is really good!

"The palace of this lord is so big, the baby inside is unusual!"

The little black face showed a deep joy. It was too sorrowful to complain about the layout of the owner. Now it doesn't feel at all.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, Xiaohe said it was good.

This is just the first stone room in the ruins. There is such a level of Dan furnace here, so you can see the quality of the baby in this ruin.

"Although this stone room has only this baby, but this baby has already won a lot of things." Baili red makeup exclaimed.

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