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The Baili red makeup group walked slowly toward the forest, walking while everyone watched the movements around.

However, this road has never encountered any problems.

I was originally worried that there would be a beast, but everyone did not even hear the snoring of a monster. It was really strange.

After walking for a while, everyone has quietly relaxed a few points.

"Is this forest just an ordinary forest? We haven't seen anything since we went!"

Xia Yuqing's pretty face is full of doubtful colors, which is really a bit unclear.

"Remains owners should not be bored to make such a small world?"

Yuan Xiaoman also showed a helpless color. The scope of this forest is not small. They walked for a long while and still did not see the end.

Most importantly, until now, she simply did not know the intention of the owner of the relic to arrange such a forest.

"Slightly safe, I believe that the owner of the relic must have his arrangements."

The voice of Mo Yunxiao slowly rang. Compared with the irritability and incomprehension of everyone, Mo Yun’s face was only calm and calm.

The hundred-mile red makeup continues to move forward without saying a word. It is absolutely impossible for such a large forest to have no intention.

Suddenly, a series of footprints appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"This is the footprint of the practitioners!" The Oriental singer immediately sang after a large series of footprints.

Looking along this series of footprints, Bailihong makeup and others found that the footprints were complex and dense. Obviously, there were not many practitioners who passed by, but the source of this footprint was not in the same direction as them, but eventually They gathered together and formed a three-way road.

Baili red makeup looked at this very different but eventually gathered in two directions in one point, and quickly thought about it.

"Maybe... the road to the right."

The voice of Mo Yunxiao is low and full of charm, revealing seriousness.

Listening to the words of the ink cloud, the red makeup was slightly thought for a moment, then nodded, "very likely."

With so many footprints, it is obviously a large group of practitioners passing by.

If you want to come, the practitioners who follow the same path on the left side should stay in front of the stone room. This step should not be so dense.

Therefore, Mo Yunyi’s judgment is the most likely.

"We have to speed up, and many practitioners are already ahead of us."

The beautiful face of Allure is filled with dignified color, and the red makeup of Baili immediately increases the speed. They can't be too slower than other practitioners.

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Xia Yuqing and others have improved their speed and quickly catch up. It is rare to have such a good opportunity, but they can't just watch the baby being taken away by other practitioners.

With the rapid development of this footprint, the people of Baili Red Make-up can judge the front from this footprint without risk, so they can speed up without any scruples.

After a long drive, the sound of a screaming sound was introduced into the ears of Bailihong makeup and others.

"The practitioners of the Qin Run dynasty are really powerful, and they have defeated the Jiuyang Tianzhu crocodile!"

"This is not entirely the credit of the Qinrun dynasty practitioners. The practitioners of the Wanyun dynasty have already severely injured the Jiuyang scorpion crocodile. It is precisely because of this that the practitioners of the Qin Run dynasty have the opportunity to kill!"

"It seems that there is another good show."

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