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"Is it with you, also cursing me?"

Zhuang Zhize stepped on Xuanyuan’s chest and his eyes were full of disdain and contempt. “I’m not afraid of Zhuang Zhize’s, and this curse can only scare you guys who are useless!”

The face of a group of practitioners in the Fengbo Dynasty has become ugly, and the insults of Zhuang Zhize are so resentful!

Baili Haoxuan waited for Zhuang Zhize, he has never seen such annoying guy, hate to kill him!


Zhuang Zhize smashed a hundred miles of Hao Lixuan, "Do you **** dare to marry me? I see you are looking for death!"

At the foot of Zhuang Zhize, the figure of Baili Haoxuan was directly kicked and flew a few meters away, and a breath of blood spewed out, and the breath instantly wilted.

The face of Baili Haoxuan is full of despair. I thought that after three months, they would be able to go back safely. I didn’t expect to end up.

However, Baili Haoxuan noticed that there was a pair of feet beside his face. Zhuang Zhize just took him to the center of the street.

Looking along these feet, Baili Haoxuan mistakenly saw the red makeup.

Baili Haoxuan couldn't help but blink, and once again looked at the figure in front of him. After confirming that it was a hundred-mile red makeup, he couldn't help but have a touch of hope, but soon he was desperate.

With everything they did to the red makeup, it was impossible for them to help them.

The hundred-mile red makeup was going straight through, and I never thought that Baili Haoxuan would suddenly appear at her feet.

Gong Shaoqing and others are stupid after seeing this scene. This is really what I don’t want to see.

I wanted to ignore it directly, but I want to appear in front of them.

However, after seeing the misery of Xuanyuan, their faces changed a bit.

In other words, Xuanyuan is also a practitioner of the School of Deaf. It is a fate to be able to meet in this assessment contest.

If it is not the resentment between Xuanyuan and Bailihong makeup, they will definitely save it.

However, whoever asked Xuanyuan to treat the red makeup, they can only be seen as if they did not see it.

Xuanyuan also noticed the red makeup of the hundred miles, and the pale face had become pale.

If he is destined to die today in this assessment contest, he does not want such a shameful scene to appear in front of the hundred-year-old makeup.

I didn't expect to see such an unbearable scene when I was going to die. His inner depression and sorrow could not help but deepen.

At the same time, his hatred in Zhuang Zhize's eyes is becoming more and more intense.

After Zhuang Zhize noticed Xuanyuan's gaze, he couldn't help but look at the hundred-mile red makeup. After seeing the hundred-mile red makeup, his eyes changed slightly, and his lips raised a mocking smile.

"Xuanyuan, you suddenly look like this, shouldn't this white woman be your sweetheart?"

As soon as this was said, Xuanyuan’s eyes suddenly changed and he looked at Zhuang Zhize with resentment.

Rao was Zhuang Zhize humiliated him before, and he never hated him so much.

He likes the red makeup of Baili. After saving him from the first time, he has only qualified for him to have a red makeup.

Now Zhuang Zhize’s words are tantamount to swearing on his dignity and affection!

With the expression of Xuanyuan, Zhuang Zhize has already understood it, and his eyes suddenly fell on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup.

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