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After getting the points of the Wujin dynasty practitioners, the points of Baili Red Makeup and others rose again.

The Wujin Dynasty was a large dynasty. Their team strength was not weak. After spending more than a year in the small world, the accumulation of this point is naturally not small.

However, in the end, it was cheaper than Baili Red Makeup.

"In my case, the fastest way to earn points is to grab it."

At the thought of robbing the points, Xia Yuqing was as excited as a chicken.

"Just, there are not so many practitioners coming to trouble in the weekdays. It is too inappropriate for us to be able to find trouble for such a straight person."

Listening to the words of Xia Yuqing, the faces of the people all showed a smile.

Xia Yuqing has been pondering this matter recently, which is really interesting.

"Yu Qing, you should not ponder this thing." Yuan Xiaoman chuckled, "Let you find trouble with other teams, you can't find a reason."

As a matter of fact, they have never taken the initiative to find other practitioners since they participated in the assessment contest.

However, there are always many practitioners who are good at taking the initiative to find trouble.

Xia Yuqing sighed, "That is also."

They are not unreasonable people, nor are they so arrogant, so this method seems to be really unworkable.

"Yu Qing, you don't have to worry too much. We last robbed the points of the Wujin dynasty practitioners. From their points, we can see that their points are very different from the points we have."

Bai Junyu's eyes flashed with wise and rational light, and from this point it was possible to judge their points and many.

What's more, now after getting the points of the Wujin Dynasty, this point has risen again.

He believes that the points they are getting now are not bad in the dynasty team.

"That is much more to get some points to be assured." Xia Yuqing slowly said.

She can't wait for the boss to get the first place, so that the nasty guys in Tianzhu Zong can no longer pick the boss's fault.

“There will always be opportunities.” Mo Yunyi slowed down.

It is getting closer and closer to the end of the assessment contest, and the surrounding environment has become worse and worse. The shots are shot at a very high frequency.

He understands what this ranking means for the red makeup.

The strength of the hundred-mile red makeup is very strong, and there are three beasts to help, her points must not be less.

However, he has already made plans for him, and he will hand over the red makeup to his points.

Because for him, he does not need to get a good ranking.

Even, he did not intend to appear on the top of the list in the first place.

It’s just that, he’s ready to wait until the time is up.

Listening to the words of the dark clouds, Xia Yuqing nodded slightly, and now I can only hope so much.

There are only two months left until the end of the assessment contest, and it’s almost over.

On this day, Baili red makeup and other people walked in the mountains, and suddenly found that there was no small movement in front, all the practitioners were rushing to the front, and everyone could not help but cast a touch of doubt.

"What is happening here? Why are everyone going ahead?"

"I don't know! Is there anything that can't be done?"

The black eyes flashed the excitement, and it was very interesting to the baby.

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